Oh we are pasty Canadian Winter White right now. Need to hit the tanning booths this month to prep so we don't get destroyed by the sun on day 1 Winter Storm warning today for us, heavy snowfall and winds. ..... April is still sooooo far away lol
It's p*ssing rain here, and Vancouver's famous damp bone-chilling cold that feels the same as -10 in Alberta. But tomorrow I am breaking my 101 Creative Ways to Serve Lettuce diet to hit the Vancouver International Wine Festival, so I have something to look forward to in the short term.
We lived in Vancouver for over 20 years, only been in Edmonton for 3 years. Still adjusting to all this snow, although it is nice to see the Sun a lot in the Winter. Vancouver is a bit of a downer in the winter. We never realized that until we moved away. You are right about the cold though, we go back all the time and we still find it really cold there. You always seem damp. We are driving to Vancouver before the trip in April so that the Grandparents get to watch the kid while we fly off to have Adult Mexico fun woot! Hopefully the weather is better in April as we are staying in Van for a week once we get back to visit
Salad.. Just the word what to make me puke. pissing rain.. Interesting!!!! Pasty white, my pre-tan start back in early february.. I'm still white like a ghost.
Snow.....not too cold here in Calgary......but I have wonderful pictures of the Caribbean on my phone which puts me in a warmer mood! Can't wait to get back to the fun, sun, sand and awesome people!
I'm not sure how you know I am always damp, as generally my husband is the only one privy to that kind of information. Sean is from Edmonton, so we go there for Xmas week every year. I love the "big sky" that is always blue, and all the sunshine. I don't even mind 20-below when it is sunny.
The Vancouver-Edmonton weather discussion is scaring off all these nice Americans from, like Missouri and Carolina. Be careful guys. Some may have heart issues after reading those weather reports.