Ouch! Big college football fan here. In fact, I almost rescheduled our trip to Cancun to go the weekend my team had a bye week but the cost was almost $300 more. I was hoping the alternative/sports bar would show the games. This is going to be a tough decision for me. Stay at the resort for :flash: and other things :huepfen013: or go watch football. :cry:
We were on ESPN the opening weekend a few years back but Deportes was showing the US Open Tennis matches. Go figure so we hit up Hooters for 4 hours.
Can't say I remember anything sports related on the Saturday we were there in December (regular season college was done) but they had the Sunday Night pro game in the alternative bar.
I hear ya, Im a die hard yankee fan and I missed the Opening day at the stadium this past april, while I was there... you will be able to find highlights and scores, some may be in spanish, but you will know the score and see who did what... the sportsbar in the hotel usually has a few channels going and there are plenty of good sports bars in town to watch whatever game you want, its a good excuse to get out and see the town the for a bit.... Oswalt was a nice pick up for you guys
In theory yes, after the whooping he took the first night out...NO! Hopefully he turns it around, we get healthy, and we will you see you guys in October again.