Good evening everyone! My name is Candra and I'm new here! Me and some friends plan on going to Cancun for Spring break 2008....I was wondering if anyone knew if there is any go-kart racing in Cancun? I went to a web site that said that there is a go-kart racing park in Cancun BUT I didn't know if it is still there since Hurricane Wilma? Can anyone tell me that there is still some go-kart stuff in Cancun?
I think this place is still open. They have bounced back since the hurricane. Carretera Cancún-Puerto Morelos/ Tulum, Kilómetro 7.5 CANCúN 775 Mexico
Hi and welcome to cancuncare. Yes there is a go kart track and it survived Wilma. But it's a little out of the hotel zone. From downtown it's about 3 or 4 miles on the road out towards the airport. Catch a bus downtown and take a cab from there, the fare should cost no more than $5.
HEY Thanks so much everyone for responding to my question! One more question--- I'm in grad school and am 26 years old..I've never been anywhere for Sprign break..They say that Panama city, Fl is the #1 place to go to for Spring break but i figured that would be for people who are in the age range from 16 to 23 years old. Since me and my friends are in our mid and late 20s, we wanted to still party but wanted to be around some people close to and in our age range (25 to 28 or 29)!!! I understand that people in the late teens and early 20s will be in Cancun for SB, that's fine, just as long as people in our age are there too! Can someone shed some ligght here? Once again,i've never been ANYWHERE for SpringBreak so I was thinking Cancun would be the best place for me than all of the other SB destinations? Can anyone give me their opinions, comments, etc? It would be greatly appreciated!!!
You picked the right place. Cancun will have lots of people your age at time of year. Now you just have to decide where you're going to stay...and what week(s) you are going.
Thanks Klaw! yes, me and some friends plan on coming to Cancun for Spring Break 2008; thanks for clearing it up about whether people in my age bracket (25-29) would also be there besides the traditional college students! This is my first and perhaps only time I get to go somewhere for SpringBreak so I hope that Cancun is the best choice and will be a blast! Now, gotta look for some damn good deals, which may be hard!
I'd venture to say that a very good percentage of people who go for Spring Break aren't college students. In fact, the majority of people from this board who aren't college students but rather are people who have been out of schoool for a few years and are working. I'm sure you and your friends will be right in the mix age wise.
Welcome to the boards.. You'll love Cancun.. I"m 30, so I'm closer to your age than the way younger ones.... Cancun has mixed ages all times of the year.. An great place for a wonderful vacation!!!
Welcome....You won't have any issues finding people your age at all down there..All there is always the 18-21 age group that go everywhere...Best thing to do i maybe if you are looking for an older group dont' book a hotel that offer Student City or College trips through that hotel..I did that one year and was bombarded with 19 year olds! :lol: