Noticed on my paperwork from Temptations that it says that all is included except items from the mini-bar? Does anyone know what it is that is not included in all-enclusive? I thought everything was included!
That's interesting because we've known people to use stuff from the mini-bar and not get charged. So we always thought it to be included. Nice new Avatar. :wink: Jamie
hmmm that is interesting cuz when i was there in april, I drank the soda and beer out of the mini bar everday and was not charged at checkout...
we used ours too, and no charge on checkout!!! like we needed another beer after we got back to the room....LOL
when we were there in May we were specifically told it was free when we were taken to our room. We used it every day with no charge.
could be a typo that was never caught or they're planning on changing it as soon as someone mentions the error.. *L*