Hello to all...............I will be coming to Cancun in 17 days! WUHOO! Sorry, I am getting a little excited. At any rate, I have a couple of questions and if anyone has an answer it will be greatly appreciated. I will be staying in Cancun but will be traveling to Cozumel. Does anyone know when the cruise ships pull in so that I may avoid those days, or have any info on the best days to go there? Also, I will be going to Isla Mujeres, which I understand is/was a fishing village. Does this location have any similar issues that I should know about prior to going? Thanks to all in advance!
Can't speak for Cozumel, but I do know that prices go up at restaurants and bartering at market starts higher when ships are docked and the passengers are there! I have never seen a cruise ship at Isla Mujeres, and I don't think they have a port to facilitate one. Any day is a good day to go to the island! I wouldn't be surprized if it is busier during the weekends with those people that take a mini-vacation for a long weekend there. I would definitely consider it still a fishing community. You will see lots of fishing boats and locals bringing their catches in near the end of the day. Take advantage of the fresh fish specials in the restaurants! If you plan to spend a day on Isla, be sure to rent a scooter or golf cart and tour the entire island.
Sunday is the best day to go to Cozumel, not many (if any) cruise ships. But, that also means that some shops and services are actually closed as well. I still prefer it over busy cruise ship days, you can still snorkel, shop, go the beach, drive around the island, etc.. Here is a link that shows cruise ships scheduled to land in Coz..... http://www.cozumelinsider.com/?Page=CruiseShips&Sort=Arrival Any day is a good day to go to Isla Mujeres, not the same sort of issues at all. You will find more locals on IM on Sundays, but I never find it crowded.
Whew!!!!!........Thought for minute there I was alone in cyber space!...lol. Thanks for the great info!................16 days to mexico........Wuhooooo!!!
ships The only cruise ship encounter on Mujeres was anchored off the coast. they lorried passengers to Garafon and it turned into a zoo. We have never had less than a great time on Isla. It's our favorite, do rent a cart and see it all. Jimmy
Isla Love me some Isla Mujeres. when you rent a cart, go down to Punta Sur on the west road past the shell house and some other beautiful homes. If you go back up the east road you'll pass some beautiful views of Garrafon park. If you're on that road around lunch you can stop at Playa Lancheros for some Tik N Xic and a cold beer. go back into town for a little shopping if you wish but sometime you need to wind up at Playa Norte and drink a beer at Buho's. . . . note the time below. . . .wooooooo hoooooooo!
Second that tele65 I second everything you said :lol: One bit of advice... watch out for those swing bars. Wet baithing suit equals very slippery. I got a nasty rope burn on my forehead one time :roll: Jimmy