Swinging is everywhere these days. We sway............lol..........if it feels right we're not opposed but don't need the variety on a regular basis to spice things up......................... Ellie
Please don't get me wrong. I don't care if we are approached or not approached. It would be kind of flatering if we were. Maybe with enough beer...???.... just kidding. I know there are swingers everywhere. And I am not against it at all. To each his own. My wife has worn sexy lingerie at TTR before and has bought some for our next trip. We love the sexy fun. Just noticed how the conversations has moved towards swinging more than anything else. IT'S ALL GOOD.:headbanger:
RDUBNPK Funny story. My wife and I went to Caliente Resort in Tampa for a long weekend and attended the meet and greet on Thursday night in the main club area. My wife was being adventurous and went with a sexy short dress and no panties. We had a few and a semi-attractive younger women came up and introduced herself and...next thing I know, has her hand under my wife's dress checking things out. We were nudists for years, so have learned to roll with what happens. I looked at her husband and said "now there's going to be a f***ing line". It finally came out we were not swingers but also weren't upset. They sure scurried away when we said hello the next dat at the pool, though...
TR is not a swingers resort. Some travel agents will tell you it is. You'll find a lot more swingers there than at your average resort. Buuuuutttttttttttttttttttttttttttt It's still not a swingers resort. I'm sure any of the swingers here will tell you the same thing. Its a swayers resort *LOL*
My first trip to TTR, I had no idea that it was known to some as a swingers' resort. When I checked in for my transportation to the hotel and they asked me which hotel, there were many snickers. After a few guys chuckled, I insisted on knowing why and they said that previously BlueBay was very well known as a swingers resort.
RDUBNPK I actually did have a point and forgot to get there in the story telling. My wife and I are not unattractive people and have been asked on several occasions if we would like to "swing" by some very nice people. I actually felt flattered that they would consider me (not us, my wife is quite attractive) swing worthy. We said no and that was that.