How many spam posts do you delete a day on average. Between the time the states and canada go to bed and the UK wakes up I use to find I deleted maybe one a day, this morning I did 5! and yesterday I did 4 and so on so on. There seems to be much more spamming now a days. Bye Adam
Noticed there were more than usual this morning when I peeked in and wanted to post a couple of replies to them but decided against it as I didnt want to up set Karan :lol: :lol: :lol: Ian :lol: :lol:
Well I dont; delete that much. I guess if Adam isn't here earlier than me I might get one every so ofter...
You could never upset me, Ian. :wink: I think I delete on average about 10-15 per day in all the different forums on here.