Question to all Spring Breakers

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by u2j, Mar 8, 2006.


When I get drunk and wasted....

  1. I can still remember everything that happened the night before,

  2. I can not remember a thing that happened the night before

    0 vote(s)
  3. I can only remember somethings that happened the night before

    0 vote(s)
  1. AJ0527

    AJ0527 Guest

    +0 / 0
    I am not a sloppy drunk and I am well aware of what is going on around me.

    I am aware. I just do not care. Only once I have drank til I didn't know where the hell I was the next morning or what I did, and never again.
  2. *+*Kirstie*+*

    *+*Kirstie*+* Guest

    +0 / 0
    i am very regularly in that state and cant remember doing stuff.. its really scary!!!!
  3. CaperKeith

    CaperKeith Guest

    +0 / 0
    maybe it was the lack of potency in the watered down beer at the clubs or just fear of gettin totally obliterated in another country but i didn't really get to that point except for the one night we went to coco bongo's and i had a few too many body shots of jose quervo.... and well lets jes say it did in fact get scary when me and my buddy woke up in the "hood" of cancun on the flippen bus .. the only 2 white guys ... we started handing out slices of our pizza as a peace offering ... jes glad we made it outta there alive...
  4. LeahN47

    LeahN47 Guest

    +0 / 0
    I can still remember everything that happened the night before,
  5. DEgirl

    DEgirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I can remember most things from the night before and if i don't, my friends are there to remind me the next day!
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