so which ones of the above best describes you most? I am the kinda that gets drunk and waste but still can remember everything from the night before. BTW, hope all those going to cancun would have a great time :wink:
I USUALLY can remember everything when I get drunk. That is~ except for rare occasions (usually involves tequila) when I can't remember certain bits~ but never so bad that I can't remember everywhere I went the night before and that sort of thing~ might just not recall little pieces from the night such as running into someone taht I hadn't seen in awhile, etc. :beerdrink:
normally i remember everything, but there are occassions where i hardly remember anything and i dont know why (do i block out what happened? or is it due to what i ate that day? or some other situation) cause i normally drink roughly the same amount/type of drink everytime
im pretty sure blacking out is a sign of alcohol poisoning. its an attempt by your brain to get you to stop drinking. doesnt always work though.
Some parts can be quite blurry the next day. Like when someone tells ya ''Hey, do you remember when you said that (bla bla bla)'' and I'll be like ''''.
re Yea, just the last year I've not been able to remember some things about the night before. It's pissing me off. Im 22 now, been drinking since I was 16-17. Not a good sign!