Hey guys.. I was at a friend of mines house for a barbeque recently and was introduced to some guy named Rich Franklin. I guess his some fighter of sorts and just at some fight or match or whatever you call it in Ireland. Ever heard of him? He's good friends with the other attorney in my office (whose house I was at) and everyone else seemed to think he was somewhat of a celebrity. I was kind of lost..help me out. Is he a well known name or soemthing in the world of fighting or whatever it's called???
I know i'm not Jason or Fletch, but he seems to be an Ultimate Fighter.. http://www.richfranklin.com/home.asp http://www.ufc.com/index.cfm?fa=fighter.detail&pid=296 http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=Rich Franklin&btnG=Search Images&gbv=2
OMG, I guess he really is something then. Thanks, Greta. I never even imagined he'd be big enough to google.
WOW NO FREAKIN WAY!!!! HES ONE OF MY FAVORITE FIGHTERS!! FORMER UFC MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMPION.....getting another title shot in a few months time too....thats so crazy you got to meet him, consider me jealous lol
He doesn't live to far from me and is one of Bob's (the other atty in my office) best friends. He invited all of us to some fight he's having here in Cincy in October. Should I go???
yesssss you should, thats when hes fighting for the title again.....and tell him to invite me as well