Your right Peg! People frown on the naturally thin. I work my ass off daily. So new grateful thoughts today: I am grateful for heat- it's cold outside. I am grateful for dreams - of BBG I am grateful for orgasisms - it's always 30 seconds of good for me I am grateful for toothbrushes -kills morning breath you know I am grateful for apple pie -damm it was good
Today grateful thoughts: I am grateful for this board- can't wait to meet friends I am grateful for laughter -it keeps me young I am grateful for frienship, smiles, and kisses and Glenn. but most of all I'm grateful for tongue. I'm a poet and didn't know it. :lol: :lol:
*laughing* and D we ARE grateful that you don't have man-boobs! :wink: (jk... we'd love ya anyway! ~AFTER making fun of you for it of course!)
Funny, I guess I get to see those man boobs for myself in April huh Dave. Dave do you have man boobs? Inquiring minds want to know.
ummm forget that last one Im greatful for my specs just found them and its 12 centimeters read the tape wrong ha ha!
What is PSML mean John. I could guess: Pretty small male leg. Premature sex minature load Promised sex minutes long Did I guess right?