Quality of internet connections in Cancun?

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Drummer, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. Drummer

    Drummer Newbie Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2009
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    Hello all,

    Wonder if someone might be kind enough to help?

    After spending 5 winters in the UK my Mexican girlfriend has had enough and is putting me under increasing pressure to move to Mexico (which I have no problem with at all!). Cancun is the preferred option due to number of flights back to the Europe (and because well it's Cancun!).

    However, my job requires me to have good quality reliable internet access. I have read some previous threads about the poor quality of internet access in Cancun but wondered if things had improved recently? I could handle the "odd" hour down here and there but much more than that would cause me problems.

    If problems still exist could these be overcome by having 2 ISPs? Or does the downtime affect both of the main ISPs (cable and telmex)? Also has anyone had experience of applying for a licence to use satellite internet in Mexico?

    Any help much appreciated
  2. matkirk

    matkirk Guru Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    Hi there,

    I have cablemas and use it for doing website stuff and surfing the net - I rarely have any problems at all - really happy with it.

    No 8mb stuff here though - I have 1.5mb and find it to be fine.

    Good luck with the move!
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I use Prodigy and they been pretty good for me of late, I have a 2 meg connection but you can get 4 megs if you pay extra. I dont think it's been down for almost a year and speeds have been fairly consistent - the slow downs of a few years ago seem to have been a thing of the past. The main problem is usually getting fixed up in the first place, it can take a while. You could if you wanted run cablemas as another connection side by side.

    Actually flights to the UK are not so easy as you might think. Charters wont sell to you unless you have traveled out with them in the past year and scheduled flights via USA could well be ruled out if your GF doesnt have a US visa. Alternatives remaining are Air Europa via Madrid / Paris or KLM via Amsterdam which aren't cheap and then you'll have to Easy Jet it from there - often the next day.

    Anyway, keep in touch with the board while you make plans and ask away with your questions, there are quite a few of us Brits here who have gone through it all before.
  4. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Tagging on to Steve's reply, their installation service has improved, as has their customer service, especially if you can speak a bit of Spanish. The two month wait is a thing of the past. Figure a couple of weeks, maximum.

    Just to vent, one of our sons lives in Germany, the land of precision and science. His internet connection and his landline went down 45 days ago and he's still waiting. This really honks me off because I can't Skype with my granddaughter. Except for speed and price, Telmex is much more reliable.
  5. Cancun Fun

    Cancun Fun Guest

    +0 / 0
    When we moved we went to Telmex to pick up our modem and order a phone line and they said it would be 7-15 days...we thought yeah right since we have bee here a while and know how things get done.

    To our and surpise, 2 days later the guy showed up and turned the line on and we had phone and internet. We were totally amazed after hearing stories of people waiting 2-4 months only a year ago.
  6. Drummer

    Drummer Newbie Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2009
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    Thanks for all the info. Good to hear that internet connections have improved.

    Have noticed in the past that Thompson in Belgium and France appears to let you book charter Cancun to Europe on their websites. The prices don't seem that cheap but might be of some use:

    Belgium - http://www.jetairfly.com/en/
    France - http://www.corsairfly.com/corsair/index.do

    Are there common routes from Cancun via the US that tend to be the cheapest for flying back to the UK/Europe?
  7. matkirk

    matkirk Guru Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    I ordered Telmex 3 1/2 weeks ago to come and install a phone line for internet - I'm still waiting...Guess I got unlucky! :?
  8. Cancun Fun

    Cancun Fun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Sorry to hear that Matkirk...you must not be holding your mouth right! You better hope Ricky Hatton has better luck against Pacquiao.
  9. SamCancun

    SamCancun Guru Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Hi Steve,

    Seeing this made me think, i've never head of Air Europa or KLM, so what about a sticky or something where everyone posts cheapest flights and best routes they have found back to the UK because if we put all of our research together it may help people. So far i found that jetairfly.com was the cheapest possible way back to England but it takes you to Belgium and you would need either a coach or a flight from there but their promotion prices change all the time, haven't looked for a while though so will get updated info and post it where you think best. British Airways from Mexico City is another option which goes straight to London (approx 950 dollars each) and i saw a recent topic about getting to DF cheaply on here recently. Other than that, you can fly with Virgin via Cuba for anyone who has people flying with them that would require a visa for the US.
  10. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    The US does have a VISA just for passengers who are transiting through airports. I have no idea how it works or what it costs to get.
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