I think the phenomenon of Americans needing to perceive themselves as "exceptional" as part of their national, self-image has probably been batted around significantly on the thread, "When will Americans Learn", but Putin set Americans off when he touched on it in an op ed piece he wrote for U.S. distribution. If anyone wonders why he made this just a little bit personal, they need only think back to President Obama's public comment, just two weeks ago, that Putin was behaving like a bored schoolboy.... On the "exceptionalism" question, I've long thought that our need to constantly chant this refrain is a sound made by people who have begun to doubt it....
I think Putin touched a nerve because most Americans have always had an arrogance about themselves that they are "special" because of where they come from. That myth is rapidly being deflated by the current events. As a nation I think we are made of many good people, but then again, so are many other nations. Our neighbors to the North are just as "special" as anyone else and I have found the people of Mexico to be equally as "special." Putin touched a nerve because I think he is right. We have, or maybe I should say used to have, a special form of government that was unique in its operation. We used to have a fifth estate of the media that was free and independent. Now our media is a mass of distortions on both sides of the aisle. We used to reward those who were exceptional for their abilities and accomplishments. Now we vilify and punish those who succeed and reward those who just suck off the system. Yep Vlad. You hit it. We aren't exceptional anymore.
I don't usually chime in on these political threads, but what is wrong with thinking your country & the people living in it are exceptional? What is wrong on being proud of where you live and thinking you're living in the best country with the best people? Would it be better if we thought we were mediocre?
Very well put, Twini. You said much of what I was thinking, but said it better. Because it requires considering that all other countries and people are inferior to yours, and you- a bad place to start when you're trying to get along in the world, just as it would be if you entertained a similar attitude anywhere else, like in the workplace, for example. Other nations, and people, don't like hearing it: if you want to rub their noses in it, you pay a price for doing it. I think Americans generally treat visitors to their country well, and don't display an arrogant attitude; but, why, if our country is the best, in any way, do we have to constantly tell each other that it is, like we do? ______________________
[ame=http://youtu.be/dDw-zFFhFgc]George Carlin on American Foreign Policy - Bombing Brown People - YouTube