Purchase to rent

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Vladi, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Vladi

    Vladi Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Hello everybody,

    Been thinking for quite a while to change my current location (Russia) to a warmer and quieter place like Cancun or Quintana Roo. I plan to purchase some property to live in and something additional (condo, house etc) to rent. The budget is around 210-250.000 US $. Will it be enough to buy let's say 2-3 apartments from 60 to 90 square meters (1 to live in, the other 2 on the beach line to rent)? Surely, the question should be addressed to real estate representatives, but anyway will be glad to see some tips from experienced people here.

    PS: 50 km restriction- informed about it and ready to go through all the procedures to obtain sea view property.

  2. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Some have made out OK in Cancun buying two bedroom condos in reasonable condition, costing under 1,000,000 pesos, in the central part of the city, furnishing then renting them from short to medium term to foreigners, using the internet for marketing. Rents in low season can be $800 USD/month, higher in high season. (This is above the local market, but you're offering convenience of doing business for a foreigner, who may have trouble finding Mexicans willing to rent without a lease, to a foreigner who has no residency status, for less than one calendar year).

    Beach front properties will typically cost considerably more. Among the ones I'm familiar with, entry on a two bedroom unit in good condition is around $180,000 USD.

    One bedrooms, and studios, are less in either place, at the low end.
  3. Vladi

    Vladi Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Thank you guys for the answers (after having studied the question in details I came to the same conclusion). Looks like the best way is to keep on renting out in Russia and just move to Cancun and buy a unit to live, without any rentier statuses that don't give opportunities to find a job in Mexico (as far as I know).

    PS: nope, not from Moscow- just absolutely ready to change the country, too many things that aggravate me over there....
  4. davisod

    davisod Addict Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2006
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    Nothing will aggravate you about Mexico, amigo. Right, Friends?
  5. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    It's easy to understand where Vladi is coming from (by the way, privet, Vladi!)

    Sometimes people are just worn out from the old aggravations, and are ready for some new, and different ones.

    Life in Russia is uniquely hard, in ways those who haven't lived there wouldn't understand. For Vladi, life here will seem like a float down a lazy river....

    If you do come here to live, Vladi, I'll do what I can to help. I lived in the former Soviet Union a total of ten years. I was a resident of Russia, with a vid na zhitelstvo, and lived two years in the far north, in Syktyvkar, Komi Respublik.
  6. Vladi

    Vladi Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Thanks once again. I and my girlfriend are coming to Cancun in the middle of March to get married officially (tired of all these traditional Russian weddings), at the same time will visit some realtors and consult them. By the way, if you know any trusted and experienced real estate agents and their location, will be much appreciated. Regards.
  7. CancunMole

    CancunMole Addict Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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  8. CancunMole

    CancunMole Addict Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    $139000 / 2br - 757ft² - ***Side by Side Studios in Hotel Zone!!*** (Cancun, Mexico) ***Side by Side Studios in Hotel Zone!!***

    $159000 / 2br - 87ft² - ****Double Studio on the beach*** (Cancun,Mexico) ****Double Studio on the beach***

    As has been mentioned, keep in mind monthly maintenace fees associated with condos.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  9. gabesz

    gabesz Addict Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    Yes Solymar will fit your budget as to what to buy. The maintenance fees run around US $350 for 2 studio units both ocean front. If one is a lagoon unit then you can pay even less for monthy maintenance. You should be able to buy ocean front studios at Solymar as the example for US $80,000 per unit or US $135,000 for two units combined.

    As for location yes its not near the supermarkets or downtown, however there are many owners who live on property, do not have cars yet get into downtown with the buses and pick up groceries to bring home. The first time out is the worst, otherwise it should be easy to do especially with the cheap taxis downtown once you leave the hotel zone. Solymar by the way has a parking lot for owners to leave their cars if you so Desire to have one though many do not have a car to get around with.

    Now note that some condos other than Solymar can sell you units for similar prices. So this discussion on your budget being low is nonsense unless you are looking at something like Bay View Grand, in which case you are well under what those units cost.

    So keep looking in the hotel zone there are many places available for your budget or below it with plenty to spare. Do not forget the trust fees though annually which run close to $600(=,-) depending on which bank you deal with. And yes if you look hard enough and bargain well you could get 3 studios in one of the complexes.
  10. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
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    Why slug it out with all this negativity? Vladi's coming here. Many others have come here to live and been able to manage it. Of course he will have to adjust his concept of what he intends to do, based on what he learns once he gets here; but, we all had to do that. Is there anything to prevent his getting a car should he decide he'd like to live in the hotel zone? Of course not.

    Anyone who has lived a significant part of their adult life in Russia is used to hardship, and has learned to overcome adversity. Mexico will seem like a breath of fresh air to such a person.
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