Naw.. I'd worry more about how Chinos is going to treat you when your very large package makes it's debut. There have been others before you and they have lived to tell the tale. You know the size by when the ladies look.. if they come away snickering you know it's small, if they come away with an ehhh look then it's average, if they come away with a smile you know it's large, and if they come away (as I've seen a few over the years) with this OMG I can't believe what I just saw! look then be afraid, be very afraid.... Jamie
I have a way that you can solve the proble. The first time you come to the sexy pool, drop your suit and make a couple of laps around the pool showing off every inch of your junk. I will assure you that 15 minutes after that you won't have to worry about scaring the poor, frail, weak-of-heart women at the resort any more.