Pros and Cons of Mexican Culture

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by drewp, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    I agree with you that most people realize the negatives. There is a reason why so many Mexicans cross the border and stay--or want to stay. Just like there is a reason why we "northerners" come south and want to stay.
  2. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I don't think very many Mexicans go to the U.S. WANTING to be illegal and wanting to break the rules. I think they go because life is easier there, products are cheaper, you can buy better quality clothes in the Salvation Army Thrift Store than you can buy here, and there they cost 10x less. Migrations are practical, not philosophical. People cross borders to live because somehow life is better when they do.

    I wrote a post earlier, but the board ate it. Anyone else having trouble with the board today? I got a Server Not found error and lost one of my more eloquent long drawn out tirades (aren't you glad?).

    I think that Mexico being Catholic has something to do with it's being so ripe for corruption. I think that there are fundamental cultural differences between Catholic countries and Protestant countries and I think those differences in the thinking of the people affect how much corruption you see in those countries.

    Catholics can go to church on Sunday and get forgiven for everything. It seems to me that often Catholics feel that they answer only to God, and not to anyone down here among us. I think there are good and bad aspects to this. The Catholics I know are more relaxed than the Protestants, they party more, they laugh more, they let their hair down more, they worry less.

    Protestants can't go to church and get forgiven, it's not possible. Protestants have no choice but to do it right the first time, and doing it right means doing it honestly. I definitely grew up with a "Protestant Work Ethic," I have to do things honestly and with integrity or I can't live with myself. I think that when you have a bunch of people raised in a Protestant culture who are running a government that you do get more altruism, you do get more integrity. Maybe this is not true everywhere, but it's held true in the places I've lived. I think that Protestants, as a group, are probably more depressive than Catholics, we are not as happy-go-lucky, we worry more about the future and about the consequences of our actions.

    There are good and bad sides to both ways of thinking. But it seems to me that Catholicism, by it's very nature, can make for a suitable environment for widespread corruption.
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Server went down for about 10 mins around 11:30am. Sorry about that, all should be fine now.
  4. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Not that we always pay attention here to Mom's rule about--"There are two subjects that you never discuss--politics and religion" :sauer024: but I will not get into the religion thing here. Talk about a lose/lose situation!:aktion061: Especially with a Protestant that does everything right the first time.:bowdown:

    I don't think people go to the States or doing anything because it is illegal--except maybe Ghandi/MLK followers and I am not sure if I am going to create a word here but I think most people here are just "alegal"--as in amoral. Not immoral but amoral and not illegal but "alegal" as in without. Laws just have no meaning or relevance.

    Well, maybe not since there are those who do do things BECAUSE they can and because it is forbidden. Does anyone else here ever wonder why they even bother painting lines in parking lots on on the streets???
  5. drewp

    drewp Guest

    +0 / 0
    Warning . . warning - heading off topic!!
  6. drewp

    drewp Guest

    +0 / 0
    Whats the big deal about soccer?? Other than being able to yell ggggggoooooooaaaallll!!!! I just don't get such a slow moving sport.
  7. drewp

    drewp Guest

    +0 / 0
    I also loved going to Puerto Vallarta and seeing how "small city" living compares to big city Cancun. Lot less little kids in cancun begging for change. Lot less Mexicans at the hot tourist bars getting down in Cancun. Both Cities has a LOT more people driving around in pick-up trucks carrying machine guns.
  8. mormis

    mormis I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    Cancun woooo
    +0 / 0
    oooooooh dont even go there!!!! :deadhorse: lol

    as a big football (i refuse to call it soccer hahahaha) im gonna be honest, i dont know why i like it so much, specially since mexican football is not good in general, i mean compared to european football, but then again, i think its within the culture, i was raised with that, and gotta admit seeing this guys running behind a ball and scoring... plus the drinking while watching just make it quite enjoyable...

    IMHO amercian football and baseball are slower than soccer

  9. drewp

    drewp Guest

    +0 / 0
    I would agree 100% that baseball is much slower than soccer. Do people drink like fish at a soccer game? Basketball is my game - go CAVS!!
  10. gbchayctca

    gbchayctca Guest

    +0 / 0
    I think that Mexicans are such huge fans of soccer because it creates a common culture, and national pride is behind it. Every sector of society and age group participates. I also think that Mexico has much more of a common musical culture than in the States. A 15 year old might not play Juan Gabriel when locked in his room, but he surely knows the lyrics to some of his songs. My theory is because I've found that Mexicans spend much more time together in intergenerational groups than American.
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