When I clicked on your name, I can see your pic in your profile. However, there are 2 picture areas to be uploaded - your profile pic and your avatar pic (which is what shows on posts, etc.) I imagine you just have your profile pic uploaded, but not an avatar pic.
There is always this discussion about pics or no pics. Lots of people say they want to be able to "recognize someone' when they get to TTR. The reality is that for the most part, you cannot recognize people from their pics unless they take a lot of real close ups, post them, and then do not change at all since the photo. It also helps if they wear the same outfit. It also helps if all of the photos they post show them in a bathing suit, usually standing in a pool, with wet hair and sunglasses and preferably a hat. LOL What would REALLY help would be if everyone at TTR would wear name tags showing their CCC name. You usually get to find out who someone is by saying "what is your name on CCC?"
Sometimes I have a hard time telling people from one day to the next, or even night to day. And I actually feel like a jerk about it. 1. People look different in bathing suits then when they are dressed for dinner 2. People look different dressed for dinner then they do in theme gear at PatyOs 3. Girls look different with their hair up vs. down (wet and/or dry) 4. Girls are sometimes hard to tell behind hats and sunglasses 5. Sober people look different then when they are drunk 6. People look different when I am drunk vs. sober 7. Everyone looks like shit at breakfast 8. People change their clothes 9. Girl makeup at night is different than wet and sweaty pool face Seriously though I feel bad when I can't tell people right away the next day. Then something will come up from a convo, or a story we had together, and I am like "O snap that was you" (while feeling so dumb because I literally hung out with said person half the day). When someone wears the same hat or glasses it helps. This is easier with guys then girls. Elyse has different suits every day, and defiantly looks different dressed up. I feel bad for anyone trying to remember who she is (until she opens her mouth, then it's 100% obvious). People have it easy with me. I have very very identifiable tattoos. This means I can never get away with anything. It's like "O shit there he is again. RUN!".
Your so right on that one Being faceblind I can spend the hole afternoon with someone, then they could be sitting right next to me at supper , and won't recognize them till they start talking ,, people look so different from Swim attire , then to supper , then to Theme nights, the brain short circuits sometimes. I often make new friends ( or people think I,m weird) cause I,ll start talking to them , then realize , I don't know , them,, so I,ll just keep talking to save face,, or worse I;ll walk right by a new acquaintance and not reqonize them from the pool . Of course all the drinks don't help..
I cant speak for everyone but myself. I really don't care and would post pics. The misses works for a very religious company. We all know in Ontario they couldn't fire her for going to TTR but they could definitely make it uncomfortable for her and not give her a promotion. I totally understand why people cant allow there pictures to be posted on here.
Use this link for an avatar picture next to your posts: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/profile.php?do=editavatar this link for a larger profile picture on your profile page: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/profile.php?do=editprofilepic and this link to set privacy options for your profile page: http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/profile.php?do=privacy