Premier Members- New reosrt options?

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Mikenshelley2002, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. nmarcks

    nmarcks Addict Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2003
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    Exactly...................hit them where it counts. Anytime any Premier member is down there they should make it well known to all who ask that Premier is a scam.

    Rumors are there sales are very very low. I'm sure its the economy but also the word has spread.

    I feel bad for the people like yourself that just got screwed hardcore by them.

    I've found basically the only thing us Premier Members can really fight is the AI fee. It's the only thing besides the perks and maintenance fee(many don't have the fee) they control. One year we where able to get them to roll back there fees for the year. Basically be telling them to check the facts that as Premier members its costing the same or more to visit then non-members.

    I think as members we need to ban together on a facebook page or something along those lines and continually bug the hell out of Premier. Send emails daily showing the Premier cost vs non member cost.

    P.S.: Ever check out the AI fees to other resorts in the area through RCI?? I haven't in a year or two but in the past Temptations is priced way out of there league. Not even in the ball park. There was some top rated hotels that where literally $10-$15 more a night per person. But easily two+ stars or two-three apples better rated(whatever rating you want to use) then Temptations.
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