Buy a suitcase that is the maximum dimensions for carry on and get a large "purse." You'll beat the crowd out of the airport and be at TTR 30 minutes after customs. Go to the pharmacy across the street and buy the toiletries that are too large to carry on. You'll also save at least $70 in round trip baggage fees.
Wear as much as you can and pack all of your essentials in carryon so if your luggage gets lost you have minimal losses. we use this stratagy and rarely even have to check bags
Bring a few rolls of your fav toilet paper...stuff at the resort is like thin sandpaper. At least on my delicate bottom it feels rough, lol. Scott
lol, I always steal the stuff at the resort,, when you go on excursions the washrooms can be IFFY and no paper is the norm ,, was ( a bit better know)
Spot On Scott To quote my wonderful husband it is John Wayne Toilet paper, "Tough as H*ll and Doesn't Take Sh*t Off Anyone!!!" Debbie