We bring a little bottle of dish soap, the bubba mugs get pretty dirty towards the end of your trip. Also some air freshners for the room help with the musty smell.
We bring two 8 packs of gatorade power pouches. They're compact for travel. We mix each with 8 oz water. Really helps us after a day/night of pounding the beers.:daveandmo:
I bring dish soap for my bubba mug too! :daveandmo: And lingerie soap for swimsuits every night. And Monique taught me to bring Tide for white swimsuits to remove the yellowing from chlorine. If you hang out in the sexy pool for hours in a suit with white in it, your suit will have yellow patches all over it by the end of the day. I thought the Tide might wreck my expensive white bikini, but it didn't, and it really worked. And Mike is right...bring powdered Gatorade or a packet of electrolyte replacer from a bodybuilding supplements store. Will get you back on your feet and partying FAST! I also bring a blister-prevention spray or stick for all those strappy heels, and bandaids if the blister-preventer doesn't work or you forget to use it (plastic bandaids don't stick in the humidity -- buy some of those fabric ones that take the top few layers of skin off when you finally pull them off)
Maybe it's wierd but taking inventory of what u pack is key, brining more cash than necessary always makes sense. Dress most comfortable/convenient for flying, make copies of everything, passport, confirmation, itinerary, never hurts. Most of all, realize your going on vacation and to bring a great attitude and try not to sweat the small stuff!
try to arrive at CUN airport early in the day.....it literally took 5 minutes from claiming our luggage to sitting in our shuttle at 1030am
Got this from a co-worker today...Write down your name and address then take a picture of it...so if you lose your camera and who ever finds it, is going through your photo's, they will know where to send it...Hopefully !!!
Put a couple dryer sheets in your suitcase--it keeps the musty tropical smell out of your clothes. You can get a lot more in your luggage if you use the vacuum storage bags that look like giant zip lock bags that you roll the air out of.