Pictures ... We were there April 27 - May 4th. Here's the link to our pictures! Email me if you are in any and you want a copy!! TOTAL BLAST!!
I figured that since we are heading back down there in 7 days I should finally upload pictures from the Oct 2008 trip
We will post pics and do our trip report soon but in the meantime we have some pics on my face book page... It was such a great trip this year! The booze cruise was awesome and the friends even better!
this wasn't at temptations, but I thought our friends would like to see our wedding photos. hope you like them.
I can't believe I went through all of them.. *L*.... I'm assuming that you got everyone else's pictures to make that 700+.... we ended up with over 1800 pics from our wedding last Oct. The bride was (is) stunning.