This is funny, your adjectives are how we describe the temoature in mid June. I guess it has to do with your perspective. Being from Texas I wonder if we'd think April is too cool. Cheers to a great time regardless!!! :daveandmo:
I thought I heard that the more the AC's run in the rooms the warmer the pool is, any truth to that? (So on the cooler days when people have the ac off the pool isn't as warm.)
From Texas. Been 3 times in April. To us, the April weather is awesome!! April and Oct are our preferred months at TTR.
That is correct water cooled heat exchangers they also have some way to heat it ,,, one jan the water was so freaken cold no one went in all week , then one morning as Im hogging my reserved chair , as i come up to the pool , there is litterly steam coming off of it at 6AM ,, so they can play with it .
The pool will be slightly refreshing until about 9:00 AM. Half truth there but definitely hot by noon.