im new to the forum and thought i had sent a message to someone earlier. however its not in either my outbox or sentbox so i guess i havent! Has anyone one here taken a trip with grayline and can recommend them? im thinking of doing an overnight tour with them but so far have only read bad things about them - losing peoples reservations/tickets, not showing up to pick people up for their tours etc. i know one or two mistakes can happen but there are loads of bad reviews of them. its a shame as they are one of the biggest tour companies in the area, but im very wary of booking with a company that i have read so many bad things about. if anyone has any reviews of the company, particularly the overnight chichen itza tour id be really interested. thanks
We book most of our tours with Entertainment Plus and have had great success. See the link on this site.
Thanks, unfortunately their overnight tour to chichen itza is temporarily unavailable, they dont know how long for. Thanks anyway
Grayline are a perfectly good company. They along with Best Day are the two biggest tour providers in Cancun, and chances are whoever you book a (non private) tour through you'll wind up with one of these two. Think of any big public service company in whatever field and whatever country and you'll always find complaints about them. They simply deal with such a huge volume of people that it's impossible for 100% of people to be completlely happy. Additionally, you will also find that the few who do have a bad experience are more inclined to publicise it than the vast majority where everything went well. I wouldnt worry at all.
thanks, i know you are right that people tend to report bad things not good, but a worrying number of the reviews are from people who dont get picked up for their tour, or at the end of their tour and are left stranded, or finally get picked up after two hours of phonecalls. I know in the end I have to make the decision of wether I am happy to take the chance or not, just wondering what the opinions were of others who have taken the tour. desperately looking for somebody who has something positive to say about them as i really want to do the tour.
It actually seems that some of the tour agents even arent using grayline anymore because of the problems. Ive had a opuple of replies saying that they dont offer the tour any more or that they used to use grayline but are now seeking alternative companies.