Please help!!!

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by mormis, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. janie

    janie Guest

    +0 / 0
    So sorry to hear that happened to you ... Oh, that is awful!
  2. Jamie

    Jamie Mayor of Temptation Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    Norma was planning on having her good stash going when he boss stiffed her on her last check. She moved to Cancun from Mexico City and now has a great job, just stuck between paychecks and a place to live. :D Happens sometimes when your friend who says you can live there for a while has a sudden change of mind.

    Let us know Norma if you found a place yet.

  3. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    +0 / 0
    I'm just trying to help here and give some really sound advice. But perhaps I'm not being clear enough......

    I think we are all smart enough to know what back up funds are. And they certainly aren't funds that haven't been paid to you yet.

    In addition to back up funds, there has to be back up plans in place with backup funds to make the back up plans work.

    For example....your friend says you can stay with them. Then your friend realizes that they made a mistake and tells you you have to leave. Leave like NOW. You already anticipated that this could happen, so you simply say no problemo, I have the funds, and a backup hotel/hostel/friend that can make this go smoothly.

    I guess if you don't have back up funds, and don't have a back up plan, then you really shouldn't be moving to a foreign country. But then, maybe the 5-1/2 years I've spent here and the 50+ people I've met that did not make it here because they were not well equipped to deal with how things work here, are just a figment of my imagination.

    If you want to move down here. Come on down! Just be prepared for all sorts of things to go wrong. Will they? Who knows. Could they? Certainly. Be prepared. Have back up plans. Have money and make sure you never touch the money you need to fly back home. Because you never know. This ain't Kansas anymore.

    P.S. If you're not sure how much money is back up money....this forum is a great place to tell your story and ask advice on how much money is needed for your particular situation.
  4. gbchayctca

    gbchayctca Guest

    +0 / 0
    That sounds like a nightmare, Carrie...but in retrospect, it must make for a good story!

    Elizabeth, I think you're being clear! And your advice to me makes perfect sense, as I'm a planner (okay, fine, I'm neurotic) and just couldn't live with the worry of wondering where my next meal was coming from if I hadn't moved with plenty of cash. But you know there will always be those who don't plan ahead and then when things go wrong, have to moveback to their country. Of course, they blame it on how a$$-backwards Mexico is, but whatever! Not talking about mormis at all, just in general.

    I've actually not met anyone who came to Mexico, couldn't make it, and left disappointed, but I can imagine that the stories are all pretty similar.

    I had a return ticket to get back home three months after arriving...and was seriously considering taking the plane, not because of anything that was going wrong in Cancn but because my fellow (now husband) wasn't moving to Cancun from his vilage due to a serious case of mamitis and nerves and I was ready to scratch his eyes out. A week or two before my plane was to leave, I saw an advert that an English school was hiring and a day before the plane was to leave, I started working. Homeboy finally showed up, and all was good.

    I came back for othe reasons, but I'm generally a lifer in Mexico, we just want to have the $$ to do what we want in Mexico, and starting out as a twenty-something there isn't going to get us anywhere!

    Now that I'm thirty (gulp) we're making real, albeit strange, plans for life down in the Yucatan.

    Okay...way off track, but the point is...Elozabeth's advice makes sense, but no matter how much people are told that they need a back plan and back up funds, if it's in your nature to fly by the seat of your pants, you always think that your situation is different and that you'll be fine. Judging from the stories of others, it often isn't but occasionally is.
  5. gjp

    gjp Guest

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    I agree whole-heartedly with Elizabeth. While I can understand an adventurous spirit and perhaps a positive attitude that "everything will be all right", I have to say that moving to a foreign country with no back up plan and very little cash is probably not a good idea. And no offense to Carrie intended whatsoever, but $3000 US to me is very little cash. Even if you already have a job waiting for you.

    I think the most important thing is to have a back up plan in place no matter what, like the stash for a plane ticket home, but also for things like your friends ask you to move out or your job falls through and finding another one has the potential to take a few months.

    I'm a big fan of taking the chance and doing something different that challenges you and gives you meaningful experiences, but along with that I think it's important to make sure you have your back covered.
  6. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I agree having some back up cash is vital, but lets not forget Norma (Mormis) is actually Mexican, from DF. So, it's not quite a big a move as many of us have had to make.

    Sure, it's still a big move at just 21 yrs old but no problems with the language, perfect English, ability to work etc probably make it a little easier and a little less risky in this particular case.
  7. mormis

    mormis I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    hey guys! sorry for not posting before... but i get no notifications... no idea why...

    thnx everyone for your help... i ended up begging in the accounting department of the hotel im working at for an advance of my salary, they did and i found a great deal so im moving tomorrow!!!!! its an amazing room (yes, a room) quite big, where my bro and i fit perfectly, has bathroom and an amazing view to the lagoon and the golf course lol its on pok ta pok... the deal was amazing and the girl renting it made my bro and me a favor and is not charging a deposit til may, when i get my second check, which ive made sure its way much more than last time...

    and yeah, it was stupid of me coming to cancun with so little money, in my stupid gilrie head i thought i could find a great job rite away, speaking english and almost 3 years at pricewaterhousecoopers i thought there would be people chasing me to work for them... but the real thing is that every one here speaks english, the guys at mcdonalds, the guys at the flea market, EVERYONE, so english (which made me quite special in Mexico City) here is something that everyone else has lol and i had a really hard time the 3 weeks i was unemployed... but ive finally found a great job at the Westin and im doing good money, enough to live in pok ta pok and still go clubbing hahahahaha

    and as i steve and jamie know, i took the decision of coming to cancun because my airplane ticket cost 120 usd and was a round trip so if things go terribly wrong and i have to go back i always have the chance to go crying back to mom and dad, which i wont do, i came here to prove them wrong... and im doing quite good for now... cant say much cuz tomorrow will be only a month since i got here... so i better slow down lol

    Living in cancun is great, but its not as easy as i thought it was... but i also have my parents as backup, when i have no money i suddenly find 300 pesos on my account... gotta love those guys that call me their daughter lol

    Sorry, this has turned into a really really long post but i just wanted you to know lol, thanx again and it would be a pleasure for me and my bro to have you all some day for lunch or dinner or whatever... ill cook :D

    i love Cancun :!:
  8. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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  9. janie

    janie Guest

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    ditto what Steve said ... glad that you're okay!
  10. Jamie

    Jamie Mayor of Temptation Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    First.. Yeah Norma....

    Second... I agree with everyone else on lots of pre-planning and options. My job is in Disaster Recovery so I'm all over that. Having grown up overseas I totally understand the culture shock of actually living someplace as opposed to visiting. I in no way wanted to minimize anything that was said in needing to plan before executing.. was just trying to point out in this case it was someone from Mexico moving in Mexico. And yeah when her boss stiffed her she should have made other arrangements but... we were all young once... :D

    Glad it's all worked out OK and is a good reminder for anyone else planning to make the move to plan for a back up to you back up plan for your original back up plan. :D

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