Well I went today at 2:30 during a cold rainy day expecting it to be hoping and it was closed. Plan to try again tonight. Hopefully I have better luck. Didn't look too promising from the outside I am afraid to say.
Sitting at the poker table while I write this. I took pictures and they grabbed me and made me delete them. They have one poker table but I debated with them for an hour and they opened up a second one. Locals advised me not to play craps and blackjack as there is NO government regulation. Sorry for the bad news. Wanted it to be like Vegas but it is not. Everything is in spanish. Pocked it up pretty good at the poker table but could see how it would be an issue anywhere else. No ladies nights. 20 to get in. It is like a membership so u don't have to pay it upon your second visit. Good news is I am up over a grand from the locals.
Sorry. Just got back and getting caught up. I don't recall seeing much else besides for a casino bar. Let me know if you have any other questions. Despite it only being a 4-5 minute walk I sadly only made it the one time. Time flys while at temptations.
I apologize but I honestly can't remember. I was so focused on the table games, the bar and poker that I didn't pay much attention to whether there were slots. Just can't get a visual but you would think I would at least remember hearing them. So my guess is no or there were not a ton so I didn't notice. I hope someone else remembers as now I want to jog my memory.
Kyle, sounds like you had a great Mancation, lol! Enjoy your next trip with your wife. Pamper her as much as possible. I have not heard too many good things about this Casino. The name means nothing. No local I know of has stepped foot in the front door. $20 is a alot to us hard workers. Go to the movies at the VIP Movie Theater at Plaza Las Americas downtown on a rainy day. Then a block from there is the Dubai Casino. Not sure of the in and outs but I think its safe to assume it's not $20 just to walk through the door.
sounds kinda disappointing i thought it was gonna a crazy cool club with slot machines.20$ is a waste to just get in and then have to pay to drink at the bar,i cant do that at TTR
It does sound like a bit of a disappointment, but thankfully there are a lot of other great things in Cancun. It sounds like the higher ups at Playboy missed an opportunity. they could have gone with the nightclub route and made a fortune on name recognition alone. I was thinking of a place with bunnies as shooter girls etc. C'est la vie, I'm happy as a clam finding the Congo or Dos Equis bar in the party zone anyways!