did anyone go to captain's cove? 100% natural? playa cabana? if you did go to playa cabana, is it more of a club/lounge place or a restaurant? any restaurant recommendations?
I think you are obsessed with all of these obscure places..lol There's just not enough time to wander so much! My only excursions were to the next bar... One day... maybe in like... October of 2012... I'll actually see a Mayan ruin or authentic Mexican restaurant.
LOL.. i like to get drunk as much as everyone else, but i also have a thing for culture - authentic mexican food, ruins, etc..
BLING is not culture. Actually, I'm still not sure it exists. You will report back about the 'other' side of Cancun. and answer your PM please....
Didn't go to Captain Cove this year. I asked the girl I met at DaddyO to go but she turned me down. But the restaurant is awesome. Not really mexican though.
The ruins have been there for centuries and will be for centuries more. Same goes for the cuisine. Do you know how fast a keg gets tapped in Cancun? Better get some before it's gone...
oh, didn't see it.. no that's not me.. hehe.. but yeah, i was reading about bling and i was just curious since it's "brand new" (if it exists).
There is a bar called bling directly across the road from my hotel. Barcelo Tucancun, every night it looks quite dead in there, but there is always flashy cars outside.