GOING HOME ... THURSDAY :cry: We got the dreaded wake up call, and got ready for the sad day ahead. Some parting shots of the hotel ... At the pool ... A final look at the beach, looking toward the Ambiance ... The restaurant opened for breakfast at 7, so we went over to get something to eat. We both asked for waffles, and I asked for a banana. The waiter brought orange juice, then he came back to say the waffle machine was broken, and they had no bananas. NO BANANAS? :shock: EXCUUUUUUUSE ME, but if you walked 20 feet from the restaurant ... There's banana trees all over the place! Too bad I couldn't reach 'em, I could have helped myself! The waiter was very apologetic, and offered us pancakes or eggs, but we said no, that's okay, we'll just have juice. We checked out, and sat to wait for our ride. Norb was soooo sad :cry: ... Our transportation arrived right on time, and it was goodbye to the Ambiance Villas. We arrived at the airport, right to terminal 3, what a nice, new, big, clean terminal ... Checked in quickly, and started through security ... Uh oh, I was handed a slip of paper stating my carry on was being picked for a special search. :shock: I had absentmindedly put the bottle of calamine lotion in my carry on, completely forgetting about the 3 ounce liquid rule! :huh: They examined that calamine lotion over and over, as I'm stammering and stuttering about bugs at the Iberostar. I asked Norb to take off his pants, and show everyone his bites. I think I overheard him whisper to the security agent that I was a freakin' fruitcake. :huh: Finally, I was cleared ... whew! :claphappy: We thought it was funny that once you clear security you walk right into the Duty Free Shop! At the new terminal there's Starbucks, Bubba Gump Shrimp, Johnny Rockets, Dominos Pizza ... lots of places to eat. We headed to Margaritaville in search of breakfast. Once we were seated, we decided we should have a cheeseburger in paradise, so at 9 a.m. we had burgers and fries ... YUM! AHHH ... MUCH better than waffles! The waiter brought out the sombreros for a photo op. After this vacation, we are THIS MUCH IN DEBT ... I'm going to have to ask Santa for some CASH this year ... Our flight boarded and left on time. Our flights to and from were not full, so we had room to spread out, even with those stinkin' Bengal fans. :roll: Adios Cancun ... :wave: Had a smooth flight to Cincinnati, then a short layover, and then we were on our way to Pittsburgh. We had a wonderful vacation. The weather was fantastic. We were lucky enough to spend time with people we love. :lotsoflove: And, we can't wait to go back! Would we recommend the Iberostar Tucan/Quetzal .... NO, because of the inferior quality of the food, the very watered down drinks and the annoying bugs. If we can't stay at an upscale resort, such as Secrets Capri or the Royal PDC, we will not be going all-inclusive again. Would we recommend the Ambiance Villas ... ABSOLUTELY! Tranquil, very clean, reasonably priced food and drinks, great location, and the BEST BEACH in Cancun .... Just wanted to thank you all for reading my ramblings, and thanks for all the very nice comments!
:claphappy: :claphappy: :claphappy: Great Report Janie!!! Now it's time to get started on your next trip. Those pictures in the airport brought back memories of my return home from Cancun... :evil: :lol:
Great pics and great report. You've given me a a few new places to try when down there in a couple weeks. Thanks for all your reports...they are really good and the pictures are always perfect.