Planning for Temptation

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by annika, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. rlc9cheeks

    rlc9cheeks Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Springfield, Mo
    +11 / 0
    Everyone has given some great advice on here!! I think I've learned a few things from this thread, and we've been 6 times, going for our 7th in November!
    I think how many days you stay varies from person to person. We've stayed 5 nights and that wasn't long enough, turned around and did 10 nights the next time, and the last 2 nights we were so ready to go home that we didn't enjoy ourselves as much. 7 nights is perfect, for us, because you're there for every theme and every daytime activity without any repeats.
    A bus ride while there is a must!! It is, in and of itself, an adventure! you can take the bus to the market, or to a mall, or even walmart! Just don't stay on it till the end!! The front desk will be able to tell you which bus to take and where to meet it, how much, etc. If you go to the market or wally world, you will have to walk a little ways to catch a bus back to TTR. Also, a ferry ride to Isla Mujeres is good. If you don't do the Boobs Cruise, plan your excursion for that day, as it is a little quieter at the resort. We haven't done a Boobs Cruise. While it does sound like ALOT of fun, it's a little beyond our comfort zone.
    TTR is a party from the time you arrive until you leave! They also have night time excursions-you pay extra to go-to Senor frogs or Coco Bongo where they take a group there. You are responsible for finding your way back afterwards. We've also never done these, because I can usually barely find my room by the end of the night!
    Don't fret over the topless thing. Some do, some don't. There's no pressure, ever.
    As for packing, I have a list with everything we need, and then some! Sunscreen being very important, as well as aspirin, pepto, etc. Pens to fill out forms. I put a bikini in my carry on, so I can change and go to the pool if we have to wait for our room. I bring tops and bottoms, enough for at least one each day. We like to walk the beach after breakfast, so a top is mandatory for that, as well as in the restaurant for breakfast and lunch. Being a typical female, I don't know what I'm going to feel like wearing each day, so I pack anything I might think I'll wear! Thank goodness it's all tiny so it doesn't take up much room. Sunglasses!! We went once where I lost or broke a pair every other day. That got expensive buying them at the hotel shop, so now I bring several pairs, and I never lose any! Also, hats. He wears a unique ball cap, which makes it easier to spot him amongst the crowd, and I have a straw hat. These help protect you from the sun. Which reminds me, when applying sunscreen, don't forget the ears! Silly, it may seem, but sunburnt ears, and the ensuing skin flaking off in your hair is a real bummer.
    We always bring snacks for the trip, but don't bring jerky(our unopened bag was confiscated!) and avoid anything in a can. I brought those little tuna salad packs once and my bags had to be hand searched every time we went through security. So now it's granola bars and chips.
    Don't be afraid to just go up and talk to people, join the activities, and participate in the themes. Whatever you feel comfortable with will be fine. And remember,
    Nobody knows you and nobody gives a shit!!!
  2. 2plus4

    2plus4 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    And that's a thing as well for people that are new to the resort if you don't feel like participating in theme nights then you don't participate in theme nights. No one will look at you or point at you and say hey those two aren't participating... although I will say you may think to yourselves hmm next time we come we're getting involved. It's your holiday you are the ones in control of your good time. Some people jump in whole hog and others are a little reserved and scope out the lay of the land first, then the next time they come they've relaxed themselves and join in, whatever is comfortable for you. Although as you meet more people at the resort you may find yourself getting more involved. I know from experience, one minute you're in the pool with your SO talking to people the next you're in a naked conga line hey it happens ( may have been a little alcohol involved ) The Boobs Cruise is something you have to experience for yourself. Each trip is unique unto itself as you'll find out when you talk to people poolside. Main thing is to experience the resort, you'll be talking about it for awhile and planning your next trip real soon possibly in the ride back to the airport.

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