I doubt you'll ever know how many women say "no, lets just sit over here and watch them " when they see cell phones & cameras pop out EVERY time some drops their bottoms in a game. And honestly, since you freely admit that you like to record every activity, I'm certain you don't care. For some of us life is more about the experience than the evidence. Take your photos out on the beach, record your memories at the mall, but don't keep an image that could ruin someone's livelihood in a file that can be hacked.
I would be more worried about the cameras you can't see , if people are that scared of them . Too easy to sneak a pic.
If you're going to take pics, just be sure to get us from the good side. My left boob is bigger and perkier than my right. We are definitely not camera shy however, in all seriousness, pics are only cool if EVERYONE is cool with it. If not, leave the camera alone.
I think the bigger problem is what happens with those pictures vs. the pictures themselves. If people want to take a picture with the group (as long as they get Southofnormal’s left side) and everyone is cool with it, I don’t see an issue. People with nefarious intentions (and maybe some who do it unintentionally) can make them live on in infamy on the internet and social media. A quick look at trip advisor, oyster or a few other sites show quite a few people sans tops that probably don’t even know their picture was taken and posted. Some of us have jobs/family that would frown upon pictures like this popping up and the anonymity of the resort and being able to just relax and let loose is part of the appeal.
I totally get that. That's happened to a friend of ours, she ended up on Tumblr. It was a great pic of her, and she looked stunning, but one of her kids friends found it. It's hard to have nice things, people always seem to mess it up being dumb. I also understand those folks whose jobs would frown on pics of, say... faux-bisexuality as tons of posed pics seem to get (elementary school teachers anyone?) get towards (guy prompting usually why) the girls with/on girls thing. I can understand the no pics at sexy pool thing... even though the new sexy pool doesn't seem to get as rowdy (by reading reports, direct experience and talking with other TTR repeaters) as it used to be. No clue why That is... since the party at Bash seems wilder than the old Patyo's parties (again, from reports, etc. as before). More nakedness at Bash now than at Patyo's before. Maybe the solution IS to have areas where pics are totally cool, and if you're in there you know (are informed) that it's a pic-friendly (as in friendly fire) zone? Or, you can take whatever pics you want at the Quiet Pool (which isn't so Quiet any longer and I'm wondering why nobody has made a fuss about that...). it's an idea. But, just by looking at the percentages of the initial poll, 3 out of 4 people are open with or OK with or like to take pics, at least sometimes (the "Depends" group). There are a smaller portion of the DNGAF people who just don't care, a larger but still Way the minority of the No Pics, No Way crowd, and then that 3 out of 4. So, those 3 need, or at least would like or be OK with some pics, some times.... and I'm not thinking that it's only in the guest rooms. Ah well. Another rile people up thread continues. It IS interesting (people are interesting), that we've got all those responses to the poll itself... but only a relative handful take 5-30 seconds to write out a comment.
I only know our experience has been that we often receive photos that A: we didn't know existed and B: would cost my wife's job if the wrong people saw it. This information is routinely a mood killer when shenanigans start around us. I wish all cameras were left in the safe and the only thing taken from TTR was memories, hazy or not.
Really ?? ,, read the top ''Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Cancun' started by Stacia_and_John, Dec 19, 2017.''
I totally get and agree with your concerns ,, but how are you going to stop the creeper with the 21 mp Smart phone ? . Stopping cameras is not going to work . I have taken pics during the foam party ,, why not ?? Coco Bongo,s was video taping a promotional video at the same time . So many cameras/phones/surveillance out there , there is no more privacy in public , people are kidding themselves .