Whats with the Scotish accent all of a sudden :lol: Quite bizarre if you ask me.... :lol: Ian :lol: PS. Where's my much coveted crappy Vegas magnet . I watched the movie 21 the other night and was fuming all the way through it at the thought of it not taking pride of place on my fridge... :lol: :lol: :lol:
I will have to send you one over Ian after we return in september......and OH how I am looking forward to my 100.00usd in return for a flashy magnet hahahahaha :lol: :wink:
aye, sitting under my desk in a box waiting for me to get off my lazy arse to post it. my bad completely. will get right on it i promise. you will have it in a week or so will add extra treat into it for the lateness... my sincerest apologies...xx
You should have added a cry of ' FREEEEDOM ' at the end of that for a little authenticity :lol: :lol: Can the extra treat be Suzanne phone number please :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol: Ian :lol: :lol: :lol:
Someone on here's offered to drive down to your place and bump you off for me so I dont have to pay up on the $100. Worryingly ( for you, not me that is :lol: :lol: ) they also offered to pay me the $100 on your behalf I'd loose by you not making it to Vegas..... :lol: :lol: Dont worry about the magnet just yet though but thanks for the offer.. :lol: Ian :lol: :lol:
YAAAAAAY !!! .... In keeping with the thread title and getting back on track drunk dials to my favourite Canadian munter on the way then :claphappy: :claphappy: :claphappy: Ian :lol: :lol: