i dunno what it is. but the service you get in our banks is awful. hence the reason most people are switching to presidents choice banks cause they dont have any physical locations. so no one to deal with. (plus no banking fees). its been this way for a while. my mother once had someone refuse to cancel a cheque for her house insruance when her purse was stolen. a couple of days later the cheque bounced and my mother was furious cause she had specifically requested they cancel it. then the teller refused to come out of the back when she went in. needless to say he didnt work there much longer...
Banks are brutal.... The need to screeen the staff they hire. And the worst part is we get the brunt of their stupidity.. Like when I used to call to get my bank loan amount, they used to ak my questions dating back to 2001...Yeah ok I have a photographic memory you morons..
I have now have two NSF fees on my history thanks to the banks...Both were their f*uck ups. And yet they can't delete them...ummm They ahve to stay there on my file, with a letter from the bank stating it was thier fault...
I work for a very small bank. Its a family owned bank and when I started, I hated it. It was too small and not a lot of people to deal with.. Now I love it. This bank does alot for these customers. They waive all sorts of fees, give free stuff..They really suck up to these customers. The bank I worked for before was a much bigger bank and all they wanted was to open accounts. We had a monthly goal to complete and the bosses would get sooo mad if you didnt make the goal. It was horrible.