People who never seem to have any money on them and always need to borrow People who need Purel every 3 seconds The fact that I must listen to my cell phone messages completely before being able to hear the next one Real estate agents - they are a race that must be destructed The loud ''beep'' from the TD bank machines (no other bank is that loud) People who don't get it People that must listen to movies in French (big over here) 99% of the people I work with Timecards Blocked websites at work Radio ''personalities'' How Entertainment Tonight makes you think they'll have a long segment on something cool, make you wait til the end of the show, then shows you a 5 second interview that is basically a repeat of what they've been showing you all along The 45 year old married woman who won't leave my office because ''she likes to come in for a chat because we have so much in common'' This guy at work that keeps saying ''suppositories'' instead of ''repositories''
mine today is the same for the last 2 days............. damn flower place WONT call me back!!! So, cancelled the credit card order and sending the news crews on their asses! :evil:
My pet peeve is people who take forever to shoot in pool, then at the last minute they change their shot Or people who fluke in a shot and act like they planned it the whole time :roll: