pet peeve of the day......

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by apple, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. DConCT

    DConCT CC's SB Godfather Registered Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    connecticut, usa
    +1 / 0
    ahh yes, the horse chewers...

    open mouth gum chewers drive me f'n nuts.... If I'm waiting in line somewhere and see someone doing it I get all worked up... because even thought it makes me want to Krazy Glue the person's lips together, I can't turn away.

  2. Bridget

    Bridget Guest

    +0 / 0
    LOL...I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. How about the people that chew with their mouth open AND AND pop their gum!!!!!!!!!!!

    It irritates me just thinking about it!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

    OH got another one. I have this thing with people in restuarants talking so loud that everyone in the whole place can hear them. I just look at Roger and he says...hmmm...guess they aren't using their rest. voice. Nuts, I tell you, it drives me NUTS!
  3. DConCT

    DConCT CC's SB Godfather Registered Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    connecticut, usa
    +1 / 0
    I can't stand it when people do not use their turn signal, or acknowledge your kindness when you let them into traffic. F*ck 'em.

    When I hear a cellphone go off in a restaurant or movie I want to make the phone a permanent fixture of the person's anatomy. Try to answer the damn thing when you're sitting on it.

    Now, really anal... I cannot stand it when someone comes into my office and starts a question with,"Can I ask you a question?" or "Question.... how many...blah blah blah". These people are the reason for the invention of stun guns.

    People that show up to pick someone up at my neighbor's house... and instead of getting out of their f*cking car and ringing the doorbell, they honk... wait.... honk... wait... honk... Meanwhile, I sit in my living room with my blood pressure rising through the top of my head thinking about ways to torture them with sandpaper and lemon juice.

    ugh. I need a vacation. :evil:
  4. Bridget

    Bridget Guest

    +0 / 0
    LOL :lol:
  5. mitchellfam

    mitchellfam Guest

    +0 / 0

    I am so with you on this one...I can't stand the car horn...its not a paging device...its a safety device. lol
  6. apple

    apple Guest

    +0 / 0
    people who tape/staple the interoffice envelopes

    they have a sticky thing on them people..they stay clsed :roll:
  7. DConCT

    DConCT CC's SB Godfather Registered Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    connecticut, usa
    +1 / 0
    Oh, the politically correct police force...

    If I wanted to be PC, I would be. I'm not going to waste my very limited time on this planet worrying about every f*cking word that comes out of my mouth for the sake of not offending someone who was coddled and protected as a kid, and therefore can't handle hearing anything that has not been pre-screened for vulgar, mean, blunt, sarcastic, strongly opinionated or even... honest language. People are not robots, curse words ARE in the dictionary, and everyone has some form of road rage and should learn the proper use of a number of 4-letter words. I am here to educate.

    pet peeve rant is over (for those of you with your eyes closed and ears covered) :wink:
  8. EngineerGuy

    EngineerGuy I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    +2 / 0
    couldnt have said it any better!
  9. thechamp713

    thechamp713 Guest

    +0 / 0

    I hate Banks and fully believe the market needs to be opened up like in the States.

    Top this,

    1. CIBC VISA issued 2 credit cards in my name to some prick. The person used a different mother's maiden name, different address, different phone number, everything. As per typical fraud, they ran them up. CIBC could not answer me how this happened and one silly woman actually said, " we can't monitor all our clients"
    Yeah, how about not giving out credit cards to people who fail the CIBC security questions ?

    1(b). CIBC VISA #2 Credit Card had 20 charges on it from companies that don't exist. one charge took place in Japan at 8pm. New Zealand at 9pm and France at 9:30pm all the same day. The Loss Prevention Expert asks me, " Sir, were you in Japan, France and New Zealand on April 1 ?

    2. People who stand between the elevator doors having a conversation with someone on that floor keeping everyone else waiting.

    3. Skanks that literally bathe in perfume. Double hate for those 3 pack a day smoker chicks that believe they can mask their habit with more perfume.

    4. The Policy at Futureshop/ Bestbuy that forces all their employee's to ask you 4000 times if you want the extended warranty. Double hate if he trys to sell it to you on a $10 C.D

    5. That prick who drives in the passing lane. Double hate if he's drinking coffee and talking on the cell phone.

    6. People who litter. Double hate if the person dumps everything from inside their car on to the street.

    7. That woman in the office who ends each email with happy faces or stupid happy animal graphics. Double hate if its a guy.

    8. People who touch several pieces of food in a buffet line.

    9. People who verbally rough up wait staff.

    10. That stupid man/woman who takes cell phone calls during a movie. Double hate if the conversation includes a play by play description of the current movie they're watching.
  10. Ant95

    Ant95 Guest

    +0 / 0
    absolutely HATE when idiots do not clear the snow off of their cars, they just have enough on the driver side to see, drives me nuts!!! it is also dangerous b/c when u are on the highway and that snow flies off it can cause a bad accident, this happened to me once an idiot didnt clean the snow and boom right into my windshield blinded me and i almost hit a car, thank God the windshield didnt crack

    another one that drives me absolutely nuts is people who wear shorts when it is def not shorts weather, take for example the intelligent one today at school now yesterday we had that v-day storm blah blah so today everything was covered in snow and ice and the day time high was 19 with a windchill of about 0, the clown had a heavy winter jacket on with a pair of khaki shorts and running shoes, i mean what goes threw these peoples heads when theyre getting dressed hmm its gonna be 19 out today i better put shorts on, unbelivable, it even bothers me when i see people with no jackets hats etc i mean come on a hoodie is not a jacket and then they shiver and wonder why
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