Peso is better, get from ATM at airport or bank. Be careful using your debit card anywhere else, even TTR. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One time, sitting at Patty o bar early in the evening I met a new freind who rolled my 2 dollar bills into bowties and animals and other oragami stuff. He did it with at least twenty of my 2 dollar bills. It was amazing his talents. I gave them away two employees of all kinds always with wide eyed and excited responses! Just goes to show its not the size but the presentation!
No, only the room service, the bartenders we hit big right off day one and continue through out the week with smaller tips. I would name names but best everyone figure out there own favorites
I always try to encourage people to take Pesos, it is the National currency after all. However, since you are from the US you'll get along with USD just fine and considering you leave shortly in your case I'd say take Dollars, but be prepared to be short changed on any exchange rate where the price is listed in Pesos. And to follow up on Batgirls post above, yeah the staff will need to exchange USD for Pesos to pay their usual outgoings and suffer a bad exchange rate, but they will be quite happy to take Dollars in tips. Money is money