Hi Im visiting the beautiful Cancun for the third time this August, and am coming from the UK, I get a rate of: £1 to 20.3753 Pesos or £1 to 1.9063 Dollars Is it best for me to get Dollars or Peso's I really appreciate any help.... Also what is the Dollar Peso equivilent in Cancun, i.e if something was 200 Pesos, how much would it be in Dollars...hope that makes sense...
I would recommend bringing a small amount of cash, US is probably easiest for you to get, though I prefer to recommend pesos. While you are here use your bank cards to withdraw pesos or credit cards, you'll get the most recent rates and won't have to worry about carrying a lot of cash, dealing with exchange rates in your head or dealing with change. Advise your bank that you are traveling and the dates you will be gone. When looking at peso prices, just take off a decimal place, so something that is 200 pesos is around $20 USD.
If you are coming from the UK I don't think there is any reaon to convert to dollars and then to pesos. You will lose money because you have to pay 2 conversion fees. I'd say convert a bit of money directly into pesos once you get there and then get whatever other $$$ you need out of the ATM. Chewck with your local bank for any charges you might incur by them but in general it is the best place to get the best conversion rate. I come from the US ands that's how I convert my money all the time.