OMG!!! The wait is over! I meet with Mauricio in 24 hours, and I will obtain a Permanent Resident status!!! No joke!! He put in my application on March 22/13, and so it's now 9 weeks later, and it's finally here!!
Thanks Steve, I'm feeling Mary, oops, my wife picks up these spelling errors....merry.....and I'm drunk with Joy - oops again - and we're all drinking "Mexican" tonight : tequila, Corona, Xtabatuen, Kalhua,
My wife was just told at INM that she would have to show 3 months of bank statements with deposits of over 25,000MEX and a letter from the bank verifying the account is hers. We have owned our own home for 11 years here, but they said owning your own home has no bearing. Anyone run into this kind of thing, so far?
I have paperless monthly statements at my bank in Canada.Mauricio noticed that my 3 bank account printouts from my bank's online setup didn't have my name on them, and said that would be a problem if I submitted it like that. Luckily I was able to modify that in the User Profile section, and I was approved across the board. Never did how long I owned the house get mentioned. And I'm now a happy Mexicanehdian.
It seems to me we're touching on some of the issues raised in this thread-
Nothing in that thread addresses the issues i mentioned. At least, not that I can see. Can you specify?
It was this comment, contained in the first post of that thread, that I was referring to- That's what I had in mind: it probably wasn't quite what you were concerned about. As for the issue of owning a house, and its relevance to financial self-sufficiency, I believe it's important, no matter what a clerk at INM may say. Any reader who is concerned about meeting the new test for self-sufficiency should get some good help if they cannot make the case themselves. There is an element of justice involved in a decision to deny residency to someone who's been living for a number of years in Mexico. Adequate resources is a factual determination, and involves the judgment and exercise of discretion of INM: good advocacy can help anyone who is up against the wall on the new financial requirements if you can show a pattern of getting by just fine on their foreign sourced income, and having other assets as well, including bank accounts and real estate, either here or abroad. An application should convincingly show that living expenses are relatively low in relation to foreign sourced income, and that the foreign sourced income has been relied upon to cover living expenses. Regular withdrawals from a Mexican bank account, with periodic transfers of sums from abroad to replenish the account, covering the last several years (such as I plan to include in my wife's application for permanent residency), would do the job nicely IMHO.
For us it is going to be mostly an annoyance because we regularly transfer enough money to our Mexican banks to meet the requirements. Now, we'll have to get our American bank accounts translated, at a hefty price and hassle. The consolation is that my wife is waiting on her citizenship and I will apply for mine this summer. Btw, the people at SRE are much friendlier and helpful than most at INM, but it's still a hassle. Hopefully, the last hassle.
Mauricio "Had a meeting with Mauricio today who will be processing my Permanent Residency application." Steve, what is Mauricio's last name and how do I get in touch with him?