I'm looking forward to the full trip report too. Great to see you and Jen during the TTR stint of your trip. I think TTR vs Desire is an excellent talking point, and one that can help determine what a couple really wants out of a trip. I think it's like an Apple vs Android kinda discussion though, folks have their personal favourite and try to convince others that theirs is better. Have to say Desire has never really appealed to me. I'm a TTR fanboi myself, and Kyle is obviously a Desire fanboi. It's cool when people remember your drink without asking and what song you like. I recall my Dad's second trip to TTR three years after his first one and Alfredo greeted him on his first trip to the bar with "Hello Alan, nice to see you again, Gin and Tonic?" That was at TTR - a staff members memory doesn't change depending on where they work. Great that you can get quality liquor. But as someone who mainly drinks beer, a bit of a non issue for me. The service and price for the private party sounds great. I dont know what TTR are thinking with their ridiculous prices and penny pinching. My guess is someone is taking a cut somewhere. Desire seems to have that right, although we shouldn't forget that every couple who was at that party paid maybe $300-400 a night extra to be at Desire over TTR, so if the charge works at $5 pp instead of $20 to attend the party it's not really a plus. Have to agree with Restling though, some of the over the top luxury service would irritate me rather than impress. I'm from a fairly humble background and dont want someone to carry my plate, bring me water or mop my brow. It irks me when I'm in a restaurant here, chatting with company and waiters are interrupting every two minutes to wipe the table, change the drink mat or refiling my glass from the bottle. I think at Desire, I'd be constantly frustrated by the over the top luxury service. Let's not forget that Desire is at least 2 to 3 times the price of TTR, so one should expect things to be 'better' - whether the extra things you receive are worth double or triple price the price of TTR I'm not so sure. And there are things you lose too. We're fortunate enough that we could afford Desire if we wanted to but, no, it's not for us.
Yes. it does sound pretentious when written, but in real life, like Kyle says, it's because the staff here (lots of them) are just there, watching, to fulfil your every need. And yes, having someone with a steady hand to carry my soup from the buffet is greatly appreciated! And we love Rudy - one of the best, practically insists Blanco has his favourite lunch cooked to order every day whether it's on the menu or not. :daisy:
Not looking for an argument , but I sure don't know where you get off calling me negative and critical? (don't bother responding to that, I hate it when threads get side tracked) I was just making an observation. Like I said to each his own, if that's the service you like than that is fine by me. I guess I have two thoughts on this thread so far. It's entitled "the little things". If you're paying 3x the amount to go there, and still throw the guy a tip for his service, then what is exactly the "little thing"? Pretty sure you could go anywhere... cheaper, drop some guy at the end if the buffet a tip, and he'll carry your tray for you. As far as the service being "special"? This is just something I have noticed while looking at places online. The "lifers" at the GP site say the same stuff all the time. "They remember my name", "they knew my favorite drink", etc... it's why the return, they say, the "service is second to none". Hasn't happened to me, because we haven't gone back yet, so I don't know how that feels. You can stay wherever you want, but maybe you should remember not everyone has that kind of income, or taste in a resort. Your constant sales pitch to Desire fractures the group, more than bringing it together. I'm not part of the group so it doesn't matter, just another useless observation from the cheap seats. I do enjoy the reports.
Sometimes it is a fine line to walk on here. I love Temptation for its own reasons and love Pearl for its own reasons. Yes, we have grown to love Pearl more as we experience both more but that definitely doesn't mean I dislike Temptations. I see its positives and see why many would love it, including us. I feel like by saying nice things about Pearl and throwing in some comparisons to Temptation for context some feel like it is an attack on Temptation which I understand, as on another thread some said it is like saying negative things about your home away from home. I need to be better about highlighting the positives without throwing TTR under the bus but that party charge really irked me as did a couple other things this trip. And Restling similarly, by saying you would feel like an absolute idiot/snob if you did what I did then isn't that in a way a criticism of what i did? Adding 'to each his own' doesn't disqualify what you say next. I actually talked to 2 separate couples at Pearl that used to go to Temptation and I said are you on CCC and they said they used to be and then I say why not now and both in separate conversations said the same thing, they felt attacked when saying anything negative about TTR or positive about a Desire property. Now I am not thin skinned or shy, as you know Steve, so it won't stop me but I thought as a businessman you would find that interesting. just my 2 cents
I made my above post before seeing yours. I think I covered the negativity and it is a theme with your posts. No need to respond to this as I also dislike the back and forths Since this was the little things I focused on tiny details like carrying a tray back without me asking (before I tipped him obviously on day 1). I didn't focus on the bigger things which cover paying 3 times more like an amazing beach, larger room with more up to date furnishings, a large jacuzzi with a swim up bar, higher quality food with more options, never having to wait for a dinner seat at their nicest restaurants, making whatever we wanted even if it wasn't on the menu... I could go on and on. I agree. To some people this resort is not a fit. To others it is. Why is it wrong to point out why I like it? This is the Desire Pearl thread but that shouldn't even matter. I strongly don't agree with your fracture the group point. I still live where it is ok to say what I think and feel, and I try very hard to do so in a polite way. Just like it is ok for you to say what you think and feel. You just don't say it very nicely. So many react like I did.
I am a big fan of Marshe. He enjoys the debate. In my experience he comes off as well educated on TTR and makes very good points as to why he loves TTR. Where he gets agitated and goes on the offensive is when people come on and criticize TTR without really having experienced it, frequently making assumptions that are just not accurate. He has never attacked me for sharing my opinions of TTR as he knows I have been there many times. So there is a difference. I will let this die now but another example of where maybe it wasn't the best/nicest approach to try to make your point by calling someone out.
Last one Ok, I see your point. It reminds me of my last trip to the big city. At each stop light these guys ran out and cleaned my windshield, and when I got to my stop at the corner, there was always a guy there that knew exactly what kind if watch I wanted, right in his trench coat. Topped it off at the strip club where the dancer actually said I was good looking!
I'm sure. People definitely come across different in person than they do online. I don't throw out enough LOL's and big grins out there to get my lighthearted point across.