LOL! i almost did. Security at oasis was like you want to go to "el bote" i was like wtf... hes like jail amigo jail... :cry:
no but wen i was really hammered one night i high fived a police man and he didnt seem to care which was nice
:lol: :lol: :lol: i get rowdy sometimes :lol: by the way when you guys were there, did you see the dudes walking around taking pictures of people with a monkey and then charging $5-10 to print out the pictures.
NO I LIE! FIRST YEAR! some girl wanted me to go back to her hotel first week so i went to scale the oasis cancun and im like just getting up there and security got me with a flash lite and sed i call police nomore so i found a door at the bottom and went to open it and was busted again so he sed no you must leave so i did"
lol yea i saw a bunch of those flashlight dudes running around the Oasis! that was great .. i almost threw some pizza at the one night when i came back but decided not to! ahh i wish it was march!
First trip EVER to cancun, I snuck in to this girls hotel with her and 2 of her friends, RIGHT at their door this little security guy is running towards us and we get in the room and shut the door. He is knocking and knocking and wont stop! So, the girl Im attempting to hook up with, her friend open the door, grabs the little guy and starts making out with him in the door way! Talk about taking one for the team!! He leaves and I am good for the night!
her 2 friends DID stay, they were all 3 in the same room for their trip! Those 2 girls puked then passed out, I however was a bit more lucky!