Bless your heart~ I know you are on pins and needles waiting for your passport to arrive. I really was one of the lucky ones. They told me to expect my passport in 6 weeks but I received it in only eleven days! Have fun!! Sarah from Kentucky
That's about as bad as what happened to us for our first TTR trip! We flew out of Newark into Houston, and the first plane was late, so we had to RUN across GBI to make our connection. We make it to the counter as they're boarding, and the gal at the counter said our passports were no good! They had gotten wet on a previous trip. We dried them, and put them in a lockbox after we got home. We never noticed the first page peeling away from the cover. They held the plane while the gal got the head of immigration to look over them. We thought for sure they were going to take off without us. FINALLY, after about twenty minutes, the guy approved them, and we were told to replace them immediately upon return. Talk about stressful! Anyway, glad your passports arrived. Make sure you keep them in a WATERPROOF container!!
Our passports are in a fire proof box at home, on our person while traveling and in the safe while at the resort. Take no chances with those babies.
I Atlanta we have Passport "expediters". They have a 5 day service and we have used them several times. They have always DELIVERED, no excuses. The best was International Visa Service on Roswell RD. There was a $125 sur-charge and we had to bring plenty of High School/College yearbooks and such. They Fedex everything overnite up to Raleigh NC and then Hand Carry everything thru. Well worth the extra $$$$.
Had to cancel, then rescheduled for 6 weeks later. Went to the Grand Oasis Viva. Wish we would have just waited and made 2 trips this year to TTR. GOV wasnt worth the $$$, trouble and stress. Anyway, we now keep them in a fire proof safe.