Anyone know what the plans are for the revamped Parque de las Palapas? I just walked by and they were tearing down the remaining cement structures for the food stands and seating areas. They've been doing that for the past two days. They had already leveled the area furthest from the church (unfortunately taking out some mature trees in the process). The stage is still there and is being improved. I'm curious as to what they've got planned.
Does this article have anything to do with the current goings-on?
Yes, it appears that it does. When I walked by yesterday a lot of the vendors were around moving the last of their things, and I noticed a lot of general hand-wringing and worried looks. I wondered how they had been informed and whether they would all be guaranteed a spot in the new park. Some of the cart vendors have been at least temporarily moved to the pedestrian street with El Chat / Burger King. Sounds like some others will be in nearby "Hippie Park".
Yes they were informed as were all of the merchants in and around the park. I am not sure whaere they will ed up but you must agree that the food vendors need better stands. Edgar went to a meeting last night with the people that are doing the plans/project, I have a book with the plans for the future of the entire city. I will show it to you Gringa next time I see you.