how dare you say we have no charismatic leaders..what about mr. duceppe...i heart him! hehehe and janie..thats awful if he calls his wife that. if my husband did that i'd shove a bar of soap so far down this throat he'd be pooping it out a couple of hours later. what an ignorant pig.
Uh, yes why doesn't the media focus on how much Obama's clothing costs? How much did the DNC pay for his suits, ties, private jets, meals, pedicures, spa visits, etc. Here's a couple of legitimate topics to discuss: Sexism (remember when Hillary cried foul?) and Liberal Media bias (New York Times, NBC, CBS, CNN being in the tank for Obama)? Journalistic ethics anyone? [media=youtube]ZsxLlVXysWU[/media]
OMG - Michelle Obama, "Nefertiti of the Windy City" ? Although my favorite quote is certainly: "We are also pleased to see that this Michelle O does not echo, in anyway "Jackie O," because the country was clearly on the verge of confusing the two." :lol: :lol: :lol:
Here's the Economic Sweepstakes Quiz. Guess which president since World War II did best on these eight most generally accepted measures of good management of the nation's economy. You can choose among six Republicans: Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, G.H.W. Bush and G.W. Bush; and five Democrats: Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter and Clinton. Whose watch produced: 1. The highest growth in the gross domestic product? 2. The highest growth in jobs? 3. The biggest increase in personal disposable income after taxes? 4. The highest growth in industrial production? 5. The highest growth in hourly wages? 6. The lowest Misery Index (inflation plus unemployment)? 7. The lowest inflation? 8. The largest reduction in the deficit? The answers are: 1 Harry Truman; 2 Bill Clinton; 3 Lyndon Johnson; 4 John F. Kennedy; 5 Johnson; 6 Truman; 7 Truman; 8 Clinton. In the Economic Sweepstakes, Democratic presidents trounce Republicans eight times out of eight!!!
It undercuts the whole McCain message of being the man Joe the plumber should vote for, when McCain wears his $520 Ferragamo loafers but Barack Obama wears these shoes, and just has them resoled over and over. Who's more in touch with Joe the plumber and his lifestyle? AND let's not forget that McCain doesn't even remember how many homes he owns! Is it 7 or 8 ??? Between McCain and his wife they own 13 cars, too. How many cars does the famous Joe the Plumber own ??? How many do you own ???
Even Republicans are angry about Palin's new clothes ... :evil: GOP donors critical of Palin's pricey threads By JEANNE CUMMINGS | 10/22/08 6:34 PM EDT The Republican National Committee’s $150,000 investment in Sarah Palin’s wardrobe has prompted some teeth gnashing among the party’s big donors about its political sensibility and a feisty debate among campaign finance specialists about its legality.
McCain: "She Needed Clothes" John McCain defended the Republican National Committee’s decision Thursday to spend more than $150,000 dollars on clothing and accessories for running mate Sarah Palin. “She needed clothes at the time,” McCain told a group of Florida reporters. She needed clothes?!?!?! :shock: I'm sure the people who donated money to the RNC don't agree with that incredulous statement!
well since she was his choice, and he owns, 7 or 8 homes and 13 cars, why didnt he fund her clothing budget out of his own bloody pocket. cause to be honest, thats kind of disgusting...
about donating to charity.....while it is fundamentally sound and ''the right thing to do''..... and it will probably go to some women's organisation that helps other women get on the job market after a hardship of sorts (what else? mothers that stay at home don't need business suits) will look rather odd to see someone say, going to a soup kitchen/community center/government housing/you name it, dressed in a Neiman's suit? I dunno, the whole thing is sketchy. 5$ it would end up on ebay. Also, if they take away her clothes...what will she wear if she ''needed the clothes''?