Continental 3/6-14 EWR->CUN->IAH->LGA for $408 on and Continental 3/6-14 EWR->CUN->EWR for $425 on and and United 3/6-14 BDL->ORD->CUN->IAD->BLD for $469 on and Those are the cheapest prices at the moment. The best way to find good idea is to start looking early and pay attention to the prices everyday so when a deal comes out, you can take advantage of it. The deal you find over a period of time are usually much cheaper than the deal you can find at a given time.
just check monday and tuesday morning, I found mine on a tuesday morning, I'm sure you'll find something. I am at work early so I'll check and call you if I find something.
basically all these spring break flights if you have status on the airline you will get upgraded to first easily.
When you say AV you dont mean apple vacations do you? Thats who we used when we went to oasis in 2004. We sat around from like 9am til 4pm and then they had to move us to the Golden parnassus.... i was totally against going there and even cried over it.... but im now madly in love with it! can't say i will never do apple again.... because the golden was considered and upgrade compared to oasis.... and when we got back they gave us a grand in vouchers to use towards our next trip. but from my experience and others.... AV is good depending on what hotel you stay at. apparently with oasis... they alwayssss over book it .
well the hotel alone where im staying is 1600 for 2 weeks... and airfare(the cheapest i saw) was 306. ..... so we ended up getting free airfare and i thought it was a 100 dollar credit but it appears to be more of a 200 credit towards our room..... paid just over 1400 for everything