Package to Cancun

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by amers, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. amers

    amers Guest

    +0 / 0
    We want to mail a Christmas present to our friend in Cancun, but I have a question. All it is is a homemade calendar , but I was wondering if he will be taxed on it or if it should not be wrapped? It really would look like papers, not necessarily a gift.(it is not a fancy one with lots of stuff on it, just some pictures) When we mailed some pictures to him obviously that wouldn't have been taxed, but not sure about the calendar. Thanks for the help!

  2. Susan in Cancun

    Susan in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0

    If you can ship it in one of the envelopes from FedEx or one of the other shipping companies, you can just say it is "documents" and your friend shouldn't be taxed. I've never paid tax on anything I've received in one of the letter-sized envelopes (approximately 9"x12").

    Good luck!
  3. amers

    amers Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thanks for the help, yes, it will just be a regular size envelope like you described. It was just a calendar that is printed on 8 x 11 size cardstock paper, so it would just look like documents. Would you suggest though not to wrap it? I wasn't sure if they open all things that come into Mexico or just things that look like packages. Thanks, I know we'll be mailing it soon.
  4. cunspin

    cunspin Guest

    +0 / 0
    I would not wrap it I had a pin # Fed Ex'd to me and it was opened...completely
  5. amers

    amers Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thanks for the help with this, I'll get it in the mail after the Thanksgiving holiday. Happy Thanksgiving to you in Cancun that celebrate it!
  6. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
    +0 / 0
    I have heard many stories here over the years that mail does not always reach its destination. The utility companies actually deliver the bills themselves.

    I have shipped Fedex and DHL to Cancun from the US a few times without problems but I have also heard that Customs can hold things up. On Fedex International shipping envelopes there is actually a second tear open strip so that Customs can open the package. Plus it is quite expensive to ship.

    Something about paying $30 or so to ship something worth $15.

    Good luck.
  7. amers

    amers Guest

    +0 / 0
    We had shipped some pictures after our trip this past winter to our friend there, which sounds crazy with the shipping price, but he got it and it was worth it to us. We just figured it into the "cost" of our trip. I can't remember what company we had used (it might have been DHL or something like that) we used thru my husband's work, and had no problems. Thanks for the advice!
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