Just a suggestion, but maybe Steve could make some sort of deal with the resort that if we as cancuncare members do the online express checkin and we put in the box for request that we are cancuncare members and they will make sure we don't get bumped or at least be the last to get bumped. Since many of us are online and like others have said it is bad for them knowing that we are all talking about this and anyone that hasn't been there before might be a bit leary on booking there expecially if they plan on a short stay. Steve might be able to work his mojo magic like he did for the contest for free stays at TTR for cancuncare members.
I just checked cheapcarribean.com(what we used) to see if rates had moved for our dates and they went up quite a bit, May28-June3, so I'm guessing this overbooking situation is here to stay.
I don't think that one's going to fly Rob. I'll always strive to get what bonuses we can for CC members but I don't want to try and interfere in the operational side. I'm sure there's lots of complex factors at play there.
Well if the bump us again my post might go from 6000 to 120000 real fast. Lol Either way it's bad for business.
Hehe, not my boat - I wish it was. Best part of half a million dollars the boat we use for the boobs cruises, I just charter it.
Didn't have much of a choice since we had planned on the other resort. Felt like we were surrounded by parents the whole week. Luckily, they had a lazy river on site with a swim up bar - I looked like most of the other guest (old prunes) by the end of the week. FYI, the cover ups were actually a good thing given the average age of the guest was 60+. Trina was one of the few that couldn't tuck her boobs in her bottoms.:flash:
I understand completely just a thought....we know you do your best to help us out and you do a great job....that is why I urge people to use the links on your site to book their vacation at TTR and not to miss your Boobs Cruise.
I volunteer to go down now to ensure that we have a room and don't get bumped when the rest of the crew arrives on the 12th. It's the least I can do...