Agree 100%. We always book an ocean view room so booking with Alpharooms is actually not the cheapest way to go in our specific case, Expedia is.
i stick with my travel agency bec iif theres a problem they will take care of the problem right away !!
I wouldn't put a whole lot of faith in Expedia. Booked with them in 2011 and got bumped. Was on the phone for hours and couldn't get anyone from Expedia to help. It was the weekend and they kept telling us to call back on Monday. Menwhile the resort gave us a certificate for 3 nights and 2 massages good for a year(best they could do after lots of arguing). Got ahold of Expedia later and all they had to say was that the Resort had compensated us with the 3 nights. We chalked it up as bad timing. They did get us back to TTR the next night.
There's not alot we can do about being bumped, just gonna go and go with the flow. All this talk is a downer to eveyone's trip. This will be our 14 trip and we wete only bumped last time. I am hoping that having been bumped last time that means they won't do it to us again.If you get bumped head out to the pool and find friends. It's what we did last year and we neverr left teh resort.
FYI. WE were paid and full the day we booked it 3 months in advance. We also paid for a Ocean view room. They did say they upgraded us to a better room. The problem I have is how do you give away rooms that you don't have. There are only so many rooms so only take reservations for that amount. Also don't give people who show up later in the day a room that should have been mine.