Our Newbie First Trip Report TTR Nov 8-12 2012

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by dadmac, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. dadmac

    dadmac Newbie Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Here is our first stab at a trip report in regards to Temptations Resort. I will try not to be too long winded and of course not devulge the REAL JUICY stuff!! (Will safe that for another site:icon_wink:).


    After a Nor'easter destroyed the east coast, one week after Super Storm Irene, I kinda knew that my flight out of JFK, was likely doomed!! (WTF MY M'FNN BIRTHDAY!!). BUT,no fear, it was meant to be, Delta booked me a flight thru my home-state USAIR.
    We arrived at the Mexican airport around 12:30 EST. After a long wait thru customs, Im immediately attacked by timeshare and taxi people. Thanks to my good friends here at CCC, I pretty much told them to Hold Deez (Nuts), and sought out my orange shirted transport dude.
    Upon Arrival, like an idiot, I sat at the dreaded sales pitch person deala ma-jig. After mean-mugging her, she felt we were not too interested at cut us lose. So we check in to our "Quite side" suite (5214), change quickly and off to the festivities. Though we are not really shy, we are still "Virgins" to the scene so we kept it conservative. We downed a couple drinks, went for some quick chow, and got ourselves ready for the theme night (lingerie). Being slightly nervous and not knowing what to expect, we headed back to the bar and reloaded on the good cheap stuff.

    Now primed and ready, Team BlackLatina make their way to one shoes, or....whatever the name of that place is.
    Really nice diverse group of people!! RRREEEEAAALLYYY Diverse!! SHort, tall, big, small, old, young.....Loved it!! Watched the ADULT show till the end. For those that arent open-minded, It wont be easy to view. Because if your not use to seeing nakedness, Then....Oh Well.
    Funny thing to me was, every time Latina went to the bar to grab a drink, She was hit on (Not attacked) by a bunch of men. That doesn't bother me, and of course every time it would happen, she would point me out and I would smile!!:icon_wink:
    So now we hit Patyo's and ran into a couple groups that we had met here on CCC. WOW what a Ball!! Latina Danced her ass off all night long!! The company was great, music good!! What more can you ask for? Funny note is us three men were in our lil convo, when these Younger dudes started hitting on the women. We completely ignored them, because they didnt know, they were very respectful, Our women were F'NN Hot anyways!! and of course the women loved it!! They can handle themselves anyway!! Latina felt up on a couple breasts here in there, which was AWESOME!! It set the mood for the week!!!

    Finally hit the rack around 3:30 AM. We recovered around 9:30ish and hit the breakfast buffet. Latina wanted to get her tan on, and as you can see, Im wwwwaaayyyyy past the bronzing stage!! LOL. So had a couple beers and enjoyed the view. We did lunch at the Mexican spot and had the best made ceviche and martini's ever!!! Really Good!! DOnt believe it until you try it and you will be super surprised!! We did a quick tour of our own, and then hit the party pool to watch the entertainment!!! AAAWWWWEEESSSSOOOOMMMEEE!!! We really began to come out of our shell and became deeply enthralled in the Adult atmosphere!!.
    So after a long boozed filled sun soaked, conversation filled afternoon, we hit one of the fancy restaurant. No Res. no problem!! They seated us anyways!! SWEET!! The food was absolutely delish!! Its not five star, but it was really, surprisingly good!!

    Now it was time for white night!!! Off we go to Patyo's!! PArty, party, PArtay!!!
    Once again, we dance non-stop and hang out with our new CCC crew!! Just around 4ish, Latina is nearly kissing every woman there!! LOL (What happen to my dear sweet timid shy fiance? where did she go, what happened?)
    First off, let me tell you that TTR is NOT A SWINGERS RESORT!! If it is, I couldn't tell!! DOnt get me wrong, You and yours will likely get hit on!! I got hit on by another dude! BUT didnt bother me, actually LAtina got jealous!! LOL LOL LOL, BUT its respective and not over the top at all.
    SOooo, the next thing I knew, Latina is really into this chick!! Like, REALLY!!

    To Be Continued......... Part 2 cumming soon.....lo
  2. BlackLatinaLuv

    BlackLatinaLuv Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    The World Famous East Coast, USA
    +7 / 0
    OOppss!! lol. The above post was written by us. We logged on as our old sign in. My bad!!
  3. summerbum

    summerbum I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2011
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    Great report--very fun to read! I can't wait to hear what happens when you guys really loosen up!:sunny:
  4. Jen&Santiago

    Jen&Santiago Addict Registered Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Denver, Colorado
    +380 / 0
    Good report...

    CALI_ALLURE Regular Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    Nor & So Cal
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    I would expect a similar newbie story on our end lol
  6. jeflanne

    jeflanne Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 26, 2009
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    looking forward to hearing the rest of it.
  7. blh902

    blh902 Addict Registered Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    St. Louis
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    Have you planned your return trip? Seems like as soon as we land I am already looking.
  8. CandyCookiesCake

    CandyCookiesCake Guest

    +0 / 0
    No doubt!!! ;)
  9. bearhug

    bearhug Guru Registered Member

    Dec 6, 2011
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    Montreal, Canada
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    sounds like you had a great first trip..glad you did!
  10. BlackLatinaLuv

    BlackLatinaLuv Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    The World Famous East Coast, USA
    +7 / 0
    Part 2

    OK We are back!! Part2!!
    Saturday Morning:

    So after I relatively EVENTFUL Morning and birthday celebration!! We woke up around 10 am ish, and headed down to the breakfast buffet. DREADFUL hang over, but still dwelling in the early morning excited that had occured earlier :3some:, BUT shocked at the attempted finger probe(Thats another story :icon_redface:).

    FYI, we ARE NOT Swingers!!!(Well I thought we werent!! :icon_eek:)

    SO after dreading the decent breakfast, we headed out to the beach and took Liver break/Nap. That lasted about two hours, and it was off to the sexy pool/bar, to observe the daily activities!! Once again, beautiful people enjoying each other and the adult life. Of Course, Latina continued her quest of free breast exams for anyone willing!! (LOL).

    After Tequila volleyball, It was time for a Italian dinner!! Once again!! AWESOME. Nice food, full belly and great drinks to get use mellowed out for what was gonna go Down. After going up and dressing in the all-white and watching channel 14 for a bit (That Adult Channel!! LOL), we headed down to the shoes for a little, than Paty'O's for the all nighter
    I watched as Latina danced all night Like I have never seen before!!
    Of course I joined as I got caught up in the Atmosphere!!

    What A Night!!! Finally check in at a decent time this night (around 2:00AM)

    Sunday morning was a lil bit better and we did the photo thing (Python snake, Monkey, etc), and did a lazy beach day of Sun, suds and sand (Wasn't up for the boob cruise this time).

    Latina conducted her boob exams and I sipped on the grain. Since it was our last night, we had a pretty mellow night (Except the free show on the balcony:icon_redface:).

    As we were saddened in the lobby, awaiting our transport back to Air Mexico, Our minds began to churn with excited, just thinking how bad we are gonna be in May. How we are gonna push the envelope and boundaries?
    We came, we saw, we conquered. The best has yet to Cum..... The countdown to Evasion 2013 has began.....Look out for the sequel.....
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