That definition actually perfectly illustrates why I don't like that term. It's a shame that "seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, religious belief, disability, and age-related contexts" (i.e. actually caring about the feelings of others) is now described with a term that "is primarily pejorative," and that being an ass towards people can be seen as "an implicitly positive self-description" simply by calling yourself "politically incorrect." In other words, it sucks that by slapping those labels on things, we can make it seem like being nice to people is a bad thing, and being a dick and a bully is something to be proud of.
Yeah, it's a real hassle to actually have to be considerate of the feelings of others. Wouldn't the world be such a happier place if none of us bothered to maintain a filter between our brain and our mouths? :icon_rolleyes: :aktion034:
All I am saying is that there are times and occasions where being a nice guy doesn't work. If I can give a guy shit and have him think I am an asshole for a couple of hours that's ok. Those situations are very rare for me, but they do have their place.
Sure, but what you're describing is totally different than what we're talking about. I assume that if you're giving someone shit, it's about their actual performance at their job, not about their race, gender, body-type, sexuality, etc. I think you'd probably agree that it's one thing to hassle someone for what they do, and an entirely different thing to hassle them for who they are.
That's kind of my point. the problem is that people play the politically correct card for reasons that they shouldn't. Get yelled at by your boss? Obviously you have been wronged etc. That's when I get frustrated.
Maddie, I just looked at your picture, you dont have anything to worry about, smoking hot 44 y/o, look out! While we were there, I did not see 1 woman who wasn't beautiful...let it all out and have a ball...Paul
Hear Hear!:aktion033: I went by myself just Xmas past and the whole place is sexy - there's just a sexy vibe to it - no worries - you'll have an awesome time!
I just think that we've gone a bit too far. As a Canadian lord knows I'm on the nice side, and do not want want to anger anyone, just not our way.just think everyone needs a bit thicker skin.
Chino's I just got back and have written a couple of trip reviews on my stay.. I loved 99% of everything there. Since I was a little bit informed before about Chino's entertainment I went with an open mind and actually enjoyed his banter. The way he used the word "retard" in his act hurt no one. I wouldn't use the word myself, but like everything else there, it's not for everyone. I found him energetic to say the least and saw highly favorable response from the other guests. I might not alter my plans if I had something else planned while he was entertaining, but I wouldn't get out of the pool to avoid it either. Actually, I might even move a little closer to the action next time.