I'll see you guys there. I'll still be at the sexy bar. Better yet you guys can get your wristbands with a welcome shot. I'm thinking a new theme here guys!:daveandmo: Get your wristband and a shot, sure our livers may take a bit of hit but being co-president with Sue and Bullitt being Secretary of Inebreation means having to make the hard decisions for the betterment of the Temptationarians!* *I'm Zurc and I still approve this message (no matter how ridiculous these are starting to get)
At the top, click on community and pictures and albums will be one of the choices. You will see everyone's pics there......unless, like myself, they have setup their albums to only be viewable by their friends.
I guess we can be generous about it and do two shots, threes pushing it and after four no ones going to care anymore. This is starting to get complicated.
Hmmm....good point, I always forget to carry the one anyway. We'll just stick to uno mas por favor and let the drinks magically keep coming.
We will be arriving Nov24th and staying until Dec1st.. Should we request these wristbands ? If so, count us in.. Thanks..
No problem, welcome aboard! I'll save some for you. I'll be in on the 25th so look for me at the sexy pool with the orange wristband.:aktion069: