We'll be there April 2 for a week, is the orange wrist band thing still and ongoing idea? We'll bring some too if we hear back....looking forward to making new friends and crankin it up! 29 DAYS TOO GO!
We were there from 2-18 to 2-28 and we had the orange bands and I did see others with them and it was conversation starter. I bought them myself.
I'm pretty sure the whole idea is sunk. I was able to get mine on day 2 and wore it the entire time, but nobody asked about it and when I ended up with extras, I had nobody to give them to.
I bought some at our dollar store but, they aren't the most flattering things (they resemble a stretched phone cord - curly)! May have to visit a different dollar store on the weekend too so I won't mind wearing it every day :huh: Oh and did I mention I just bought a bikini last week just because it had the Cancuncare colours in it! Brown with blue and orange ties )
We'll be there March 29-5th so we'll keep an eye out for the bands too - being 1st timers it sounds like a good way to meet up with people. Still looking for orange though - keep finding other colours...
Wrist Bands Seems like a good idea to us, we are on site 26th April -3rd May so will be bringing and wearing Orange bands! Hope you are too!!:aktion030:
We will be there 24th May to 7th June if anybody has any spare bands, will bring a marker just in case we need to add any X's lol, may just have a look around for some before we arrive though, just in case.
We will try to find orange bracelets and wear them...we will see if it works... Luckily we still have a couple of weeks to look for them
Hi Smooth 5959 when you going to be there, we'll keep an eye for you wrist band or not, the drinks are on me :beer4:. Gsil668, if you don't find them just have a couple extra shots and everybody will start looking familiar :lotsofmichaelfs: