Lol, our friends had the room across the hall so both our doors were open But I should be clear, we didn’t leave everything open because we were hoping for or expecting company, we just didn’t care if people saw us. However, we are up front people so if someone came in and we were not feeling it we would politely ask them to leave. It’s all about having fun and letting loose.
Totally not judging by any means, but I feel like both parties would have to have some extreamly lax standards for this to even be a possibility. The great diversity of the resort is awesome, but once in the bedroom there are some major considerations that come into play. The "take one for the team" approach would send me looking for new teammate.
After seeing alot of your responses i would feel better telling someone that we are not interested so thank you to everyone who chimbed in with honest responses. As i have said many times ashley and i are first timers and have to learn the do's and dont's i guess is a good way to put it
Best thing to do is talk to each other before hand and set up your own boundaries and try and stick to them. Although a full day of drinking can sometimes cloud your judgement You know, a 2 at 10, becomes a 10 at 2 type of judgement
I like this idea in theory, but I worry that the people walking will be wasted, which would make throwing them out much worse. Of course I'm in risk management so I always imagine the worst lol. Have fun everyone
How about putting up a sign in the room? « You are welcomed to watch, please wait to be invited to join » ??